The Wake Up

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                 Samuels woke up from his dream. It was his frequent dream since his birth. He was breathing heavily and confused. He then checked the reality by confirming whether he is inside of his military camp. He rubbed his eyes to get rid off of his sleep and checked out the time in his watch, it was quarter after three in the morning. He switched on the night lamp which was standing at his reading desk, the room was filled with a fade blue light.

       Samuels searched for the cross which he holds whenever he was tensed. Finally he found it laying at the top of his desk while some nocturals making sounds outside. After holding the Cross, he felt bit relaxed. He went outside of his military camp and took a Marlboro cigaratte from his pocket for a smoke.

        While smoking, he wondered why he was having the same dream very often and felt more strange about that dream. He focussed on the dream details to derive some meaning out of it but he couldn't make anything. The only thing that he felt was peace. He wished that dream could have been his real life.

            Samuels finished his smoke and went inside his camp. He took some water to subside the burning sensation induced by  the cigarette. After sometime laying in his bed, he felt hungry. He went to his kitchen, he took some milk and prepared some eggs. After he finished his quick food, he thought to take a walk to the near by River called "Yantra". Later he started to jog while on the way to river.

         On the banks of the River "Yantra", there was lots of big rocks which gave way to plants to grow on them. These plants has some beautiful Blue flowers which were glossy enough to reflect the morning Sun's rays. Sameuls reached the River and he stepped on the rocks to see the water falls. Samuels was amazed at the beauty of the Blue flowers and the River.

         Samuels immediately took off his clothes and dived into the river. He had the habit of taking bath in the river every morning and he immersed himself into the river, started to feel the currents of the River.

     Suddenly the scenes of his dream flashed into his thoughts and he felt himself in the dream. He could clearly see the scenes of his dreams with full consciousness and he saw himself as a third person who is living a life of Love. For him the happiness doesn't seem to have a end. He is the most happinest person he ever saw.

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