Chapter 14 (revised)

Start from the beginning

"We've got all the man power we need." It sounded like he was making excuses.

"You let Alphonse join us because we were short on men." I countered his statement. "I came this far, I might as well go in too."

"No." He was firm about it. "These people might recognize you and think we're up to something."

"He's got a point Devlin." Havoc agreed with him.

I looked at Riza for some help, but we both knew she couldn't say anything that would change his mind.

"That's an order."

My gaze shifted back to Roy, his tone was firm but his face was saying something else. This wasn't an act of power over me, it was an act of desperation.

I sighed. "Yes Sir." I looked at the rest. "Good luck." And with that I turned around and started walking.

But then Roy called me. "Wait."

I stopped and looked at him, he ran over to me. "What is it?"

He took my hand.

"Why are you sending me away?"

He sighed. "I didn't want you involved in this. That's why I didn't put you at a different post, but you got involved anyways."

He squeezed my hand. "Just, promise you won't come looking for us okay?"

I just stared at him, confused as to why he'd ask me not to look for them.

He leaned closer. "Okay?"

I rolled my eyes. "Alright." Though I can't promise that.

"Okay. Go home, or go to Falman. Just go anywhere but here. I promise we'll come back." He kissed my hand, electricity shot up my arm. "I won't be long."

I didn't know what to do or how to react. I wasn't expecting him to kiss my hand, let alone hold my hand. This was a Roy I wasn't used to, but I liked it. I liked him a lot.

He smiled at my frozen state, he leaned in and whispered. "Come on... don't get shy now.." He rested his head against mine for a second.

"Tch." I pushed his head away gently, unable to hide my smile.

He laughed quietly. "I won't be long." He stepped away, holding onto my hand until it slipped out of his.

I watched him go back to the group and they went in.

I sighed, turning around and walking towards home, hands in my pockets.

(Roy's POV)

I could hear Barry's yells as we walked along the halls. All the researchers scared and confused as to what was happening.

I held my gun up, the others armed and following me. "All personnel must evacuate immediately." My voice echoed against the walls.

"Uh Colonel?" Private Jenkins walked behind me.

"Stay back. The man who broke in is a deranged murderer. My men will handle his capture." I stopped and looked at him, the others following Barry.

"Order your guards to seal off the exits."

He saluted. "Yes sir." And turned ran back down the hall.

I followed the others down a set of stairs onto a lower level. Except we lost Barry and didn't know which way he went. There were two hallways and it was dark.

"How the hell are we supposed to find him?" Havoc lowered his gun.

I glanced down the dark hallway. Shit.. "We're gonna have to split up."

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