"You know I have another patient just like you" she said. "Stubborn. He said the same thing"

"Why thank you" I said. "Thank you for comparing me to another mentally unstable person"

"Listen Y/n why don't you try meeting new people?"

"Because I don't want to feel like it's something I need to be happy doc..." I said. "I don't want it to feel like a chore, or something to distract me from my problems"

She kept writing on that small ass notebook. She eventually dismissed me, and I went back home.

I stayed at my apartment for a while. I had my day off, because I start to work tomorrow. I got ready and walked towards the location Sam sent me.

I kept walking until I spotted him using his phone. I looked at him with a smile.

"Captain" I said making a salute.


I laughed and we walked towards a table sitting down.

"I saw your suit. I like it, the colors suit you" I said.

"Thank you"

"So can I have your old wings?" I said.

"Actually, I gave them to a friend"

He really gave them to Barnes?!

"Barnes. Really?" I said crossing my arms. "And not me?"

"Not that friend." He said. "I met him in the military"

"Really? What's his name so I can have a talk with him"

"You're not getting the wings, besides you can already shape shift"

"No I'm actually curious, what friend?"

"His name is Joaquin"


"Torres?" I asked.

"Yeah? How did you know?"

"Short, brown hair, nice teeth, Hispanic?" I asked.

"You know him?" Sam asked.

"Yeah he's an old friend"


"I have connections everywhere Sam. We were in the same unit until I switched" I said. "I'm surprised I didn't know you back then"

He nodded and a waiter approached us taking our order. He left and Sam took a sip from his water and we kept talking.

"I was gonna ask you for a favor"

"Depends on what it is" I said mocking him.

"If you can help us with the wings"


"You know John Walker?"

"The asshole that got the shield after you put it on the memorial?"

"Yeah, he basically destroyed the wings"

"So not only, you didn't give me the wings, now you want me to fix them?" I said smirking.

"Help us fix them"

"Fine, will Torres be there?"

"Why?" He asked raising an eyebrow suspiciously.

"I haven't seen him in forever" I said.

"You know who you haven't seen in forever?"


Unapproachable - (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now