The Eastern Kingdom.

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The northern Kingdom held the titles of 1 King and two sons, the East held 1 Queen and her dead sisters son. 

The Queens name was Niki, a powerful leader, a person no man could frown at, sunshine laced to her very core,
Her Kingdom felt lucky to call her their Queen.

Then there lived a prince named Ant, a radiant teen, and a gift to be acknowledged by. An indivual civilians would brag about being companions with, particularly for his more than remarkable grades, being smart was his greatest strength, his weakest downfall being his inability to hold up in a fight.

Ant layed into the summer evening, the soft grass to his back and a kingdom that felt miles away.
A blank book was layed open on his chest, he hadnt been able to conjure up anything to write this morning, his mind put on pause for the time being, which quite frustrated him.

He heard the crunching of grass underneath leather boots, a slight sound of someone taking in a shaky breath. He lied there, unphased by the sound, hes felt peace in his kingdom always, today was no different. He let his eyes fall closed.

Then, a slight pain to his torso, a kick of a quite unpleased civilian. The kick wasnt violent, but a more aggressive tap on the shoulder. Ant opened his eyes, still rather unphased, to be greeted by a boy standing over him. "Can i help you?" Ant asked, sighing deeply. The boy stumbled back, shocked at  his response. "I thought you were asleep" He admitted. "Or dead."

Ant rolled his eyes affectionately, sitting upright, which made the book fall onto his lap and shut close, and brushed dirt off of his shoulders. The boy looked puzzled, analyzing his features, wondering why he looks so familiar.

"What's your name?" The boy asked. "Ant, what about you?" He reluctantly added, surprised at the boy not knowing who he is, but tucking his ego away for the time being. "Tommy. But you can call me Big T" Tommy answered, smirking at his own remarks and sitting down in the grass right beside his new found friend.

"Yeah im not calling you that, Tommy" He sighed. Its not everyday the civilians would unleash their children out into the fields and kingdom, but unfortunately for Ant, it was most of them.

Tommy huffed, his eye caught on a golden necklace that was uliminated by the yellow sun, and then a golden pendant that hung from Ant's cape, an imprint of their kingdoms symbol. He tilted his head, putting together what seemed to be an impossible puzzle. "So you're a servant for the Queen and the Prince?" Tommy asked, smiling as if hes finally solved an imaginary case.

"I am the prince" Ant replied, his ego slightly bruised. Tommy let out a chuckle, then a quick inhale. "Can i be the Queen then?" He exhaled, feeding into what he thought was a game of pretend. Their short conversation was abruptly cut off by the dinging of  the bell, it rang clear through the fields, a signal that dinner was ready, or for Ant, a signal that the Queen was waiting for him with open arms and a soft smile, ready to tell him all about her day.

The sound of footsteps returned again, this time of 2 armoured guards and one particularly frustrated older man. Tommy's face dropped, his father had told him to go and find flowers for Mother, but he had been horribly sidetracked. But confusion came when he saw the guards.

"Tommy! God, ive been looking all over for you!" The man huffed, relief shining clear through his voice. He grasped his son's wrist, making the boy stutter with whatever excuse he could conjure. The guards stood idly by while Ant stood up, grabbing his book in his gloved hand. "I apologize, i didnt mean to take your son's attention." Ant said sincerely, with a smile on his face.

The father flinched at the very unexpected sound, letting go of his sons wrist and bowing immediately. "Prince! Sorry if he bothered you at all!" He said, nervousness and embarrassment lacing each word. "At ease" Ant said, commanding both the guards and the elder.

Tommy was hit with the realization that the teen wasn't lying to him, he was the Prince. He felt like the stupidest child in the eastern hemisphere, or in his more pessimistic brothers words, a giant dumbass.

The man grasped Tommy's wrist once more, pulling Tommy out of his embarrassed state into an apologetic one. Tommy uttered any excuse he could, the story he chose didnt make any sense to either of them. "Just wait until your Mother hears about this" He teased, pulling Tommy back to the Kingdom while the prince still stood, waiting for the guards to lead him back to the golden doors. "She'll- not infront of the prince!" Tommy complained, walking with his father's pace so he wasnt being dragged.

Tommy looked behind him, flashing Ant an awkward smirk, and with that they were gone.

A guard stepped toward the Prince, lowering their head in respect. "Prince, The Queen calls for you." They beckoned. Ant nodded, his eyes led down to his notebook. "Give me a moment, I'll be right there." Ant promised, the guards going to wait by the quartz fence, a minute walk from their previous destination.

Ant opened the book, flipping to a particular page and writing:
"Tommy - an ally to you, he didnt know who you were, so he wont have known you before you knew him." 

He closed the book gently, and started walking toward home.


"Ive got news from the north" Niki said, turning to him as they made their way to dinner. Ant raised an eyebrow. He barely heard from the north, much less wished to. However he was still equally intrigued. "King Schlatt wants to meet with me, Prince Velvet and Prince Tubbo will be by his side, so i feel its only appropriate to bring you." She spoke, knowing how Ant had a distinct distaste for politics. "Will i have to speak to him?"

Niki nodded, a comforting smile appearing. "Most likely yes, but i doubt you will have to speak to the King much, Prince Velvet is your age, he should be easy to talk to for you." She added, hoping Ant wouldnt protest to going.
"I dont know." He hesitated, weighing the pros and the cons from this situation.

"Come on young one, for me?" Niki pushed, timidness in her tone. "Its go with me and have a wonderful time, or stay in the kingdom and have Tommy irritate you again." She warned, hearing an earful about Tommy prior. Ant contemplated for a moment, and then nodded, making Niki's smile wider with delight. "I'll go with you, but only for you."
"I knew you would go!" She exclaimed, pulled Ant into a quick side hug.

"I will always pick you, Niki."

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