Under the sky

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Third person POV

I was sitting under a tree looking at the night sky which was brightened with million of stars outside of our enormous Hastinapur's palace .

I love star gazing , it sometimes give me peace of mind , in the life full of politics and warfare I feel that the night sky makes me feel very insignificant . Here everyone is looking to me and expects something from me , atleast this dark night sky doesn't expect anything from me , I am free here atleast for some moments . Here I am not eldest here I am the youngest life among the thousand years old stars .

The cold wind of night sometime creates goosebumps in my bare body like sharp blade as I was wearing nothing but still claded in white robes as weren't done with out Tarpan for the dead people of family . Neither any crown ceremony or anything else was done as the Tarpan as due .

Yeah , the Kurukshetra is finished ,the heavy bloodshed is over . After losing everything , we have came back to Hastinapur after years .

Though our welcome in this place was not so great... We were welcomed with a murderous attempt . It is as our elder uncle Dhritarastra who tried to kill my brother Bheem crushing in his mighty arms as he killed 100 sons of that old king . But that attempt was unsuccessful because of my cousin Krishna .

Just after that we entered the palace to witness another welcome where my dear aunty burned my toes . I knew she was full of wrath because we didn't make any of her son alive . She thought we will keep atleast one of her sons alive who has some less sin but we didn't....

Slowly tears trickled down from the corner of my eyes when I remembered the blood stained faces of my sons . They are young and still innocent , theit only sin was that they born to my family , and that made them leave the world at such a young age . My inner heart wanted to scream in tears bit I can't cause I was taught not to cry in any situation ,and that practice didn't let me cry my heart out , it's not that I never cried even I cried infront of my family but that was silent cry , I wanted to cry screaming my heart out  for atleast once . Atleast two arms I want which will carress my back while crying .

Suddenly I felt something tickled up from my back to neck , I feared that it should not be the thing I thought  and the next moment a bone crushing pain raised from the cage of my chest  making my fear true . I instantly stood up with a jerk clutching my chest . Sweat formed over my face . For a second I felt my soul will rip the cage of my chest and will free me from this unbearable pain . I was feeling the world washing infront of my eyes .

But it didn't happen , after some moments the pain downed automatically . As my head spinned sharply and I almost fell on the ground . Sweat was dripping from my face . I was hearing unusual sounds for some moments and atlast it came to normal , I was almost used with this type of suffering nowadays . God knows from.. from where these weird attacks come ?

Wiping my face I tiredly sat against the tree trunk again . I wished apart from these suffering why God doesn't take my life ? Then everything will be fine .

Slowly after spending some more time drowsiness started being heavy on my eyes as I left for my chamber in .

Entering my chamber I looked around the dark room , same darkness was covering my world currently . No lamp can illuminate it again .

I lied down on the ground on the Kusha mat , from tomorrow we will be able to sleep on mattress . Whatever for me bed and ground are same.

I kept staring at the ceiling , some moments ago it felt that I will sleep soon but the sleep again went away .

The dark ceiling , some lanterns were hanging but the gust of wind also blew them off , everything went dark , though sun will rise in the morning but my world will remain in darkness... forever

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