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Y/N's POV:

"PIST...Honako...it's time to wake up" my brothers voice rang through my ears

"Hhhhhhmmmmm...five more minutes" I replied barring my face into my pillow

"Come on you need to get up...if you don't I'll
jump on you" Bakuto said with a small laugh

I shot up from my bed not wanting to get crushed by my older brother, I looked at the clock on my night stand only to see that it was 4:30 in the morning.

"Baku?...why are you waking me up this earl?" I winded as I yawned and rubbed my eyes open

"Because, Akashi wants to show us this new caffe up the street" he said walking out of my room

I had gotten dressed and went down stares to see that Akashi had already shown up.

"Hey Akashi!" I said waving frantically

"Hello Honako" Akashi said smiling at me

"Come on letters go!" Bakuto said walking outside

Akashi and I fallowed behind trying to catch up to him.

"Bakuto, its this way" Akashi said pointing in the other direction from Bakuto

I had to laugh at my brothers energy sometimes, he would always get to excited then get in over his head.

All three of you had been walking for a little bit, it was quiet for a while witch was wired because my brother always talking, but he was quiet. I looked over to see that both Bakuto and Akashi were on there phones texting each-other.

"Why don't you guys just talk out loud instead of texting?" I said startling the boys

"Sorry we should talk to you too I suppose" Akashi said with a light blush

It was times like these I felt like Akashi didn't like me that much, he doesn't talk to me much and I'm always a third wheel when ever they hang out. Its not like I wanted to always go hang out with them or anything Bakuto would ask you to come along with them, That's way I hardly ever talked when it was just the three of us.

The rest of the walk I kept quiet like always and just licensed to Bakuto talk the hole time, it made you happy to here him talk. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, I took it out to see that Kuroo had text you.


🐓✨ROOSTER✨🐓: hey u up?

Me: Yah what's up?

🐓✨ROOSTER✨🐓: wow your really up!? Well anyway can you come over to the gym and help me and Kenma teach this new guy?


🐓✨ROOSTER✨🐓: yes right now... if you can't that's fine but it would be a big help😅

Me: Fine I'm on my way🤦‍♀️



I looked at my phone then at Bakuto and Akashi.

" Hey guys I'm really sorry but i have to go help Kuroo with a new guy. BYE!" I said weaving by to the two boy

Akashi watched as you ran away, he looked kinda sad.

" Hey why do you look so down all of the sudden?" Bakuto asked looking at Akashi

"Hm? oh its nothing, she jsut always has stuff to do when we do things" he said as he kept walking

~After your run to the Nekoman team gym~

I walked into the gym to see Kuroo, Kenma, and some guy that was why to tall for your liking, non of the boys had noticed you enter yet so you decided to scare them. I walked over behind Kenma.

" Boo!" I yelled as i engulfed Kenma in a Baer-hug

They all froze in surprise, Kenma shock of fright almost screaming.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you should have seen your faces" I laughed letting go of Kenma

Kuroo and the new guy eased up but Kenma still looked tariffed.

" hehe sorry Kenma I didn't mean to scare you that bad" I said giggling

I noticed the new guy was staring at me so I turned to him then at Kuroo.

" who's the new guy?" I asked pointing at him

" hi I'm Lev " he said


" Yako is going to eat him alive" I laughed with Kuroo

~time skip 20 minutes~

You had been trying to teach Lev how to dive for the ball but he was scared that he was going to hurt himself, when Kuroo walked up to you too.

"Hey Chibi-Chan you should probably get to school now it's 7:30" he said pointing at the door

"Ok thanks Kuroo" you said exiting the gym

I left the gym running to school as fast as a could, I had always bin able to run fast for a long time.

~After The Run To School~

I had gotten to school just in time, the bell had rung the second I sat down in my chair.

"Hey why are you so late?" Bakuto asked sitting behind me

"I had to run to school" you glared at him

"I know that but what happened at Nekoman for you to almost be late?" He asked laying his head on his best

You mentally sighed as you turned back around to listen to the lesson.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2022 ⏰

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