{~F.t POV~}

... Ugh... So... Martial, Mpaja and PKI are staying with their boyfriends for a while.. Who are they you ask? Well.. Mpaja... His boyfriend is British Empire... PKI... Dutch Empire... And Martial.. Its Spanish Empire....

"The book of revival is either in Indonesia or phillipines" Burma said "Can also be in Vietnam or thailand" Vietcong added on for Burma

{~UN POV~}

"Oh c'mon you three! We need the Book Of Revival!" WHO said tying to convince the three Aka B.e, d.e and S.e to make their boyfriends tell us where the Book Of Revival is "Listen.. No... Its a BIG no no" d.e said "Why do you need it anyway?" S.e asks "So we can revive the millions of dead Iraqis and Syrians duh!' AU said "Listen.. We don't know.. Its their business not ours" B.e said and they left "DARN IT!!!' I yelled

{~China POV~}

he ESCAPED!!! I growl in anger... At Least i still have Manila and Jakarta... To take out my stress and anger upon them...

"Wheres the Book Of Revival!" i yell "W- we're not g- gonna tell you!" Jakarta Falters, just as i was gonna hit him someone knocked on my door..

I went downstairs and opened the door to see Germany, USA and Russia

"What?" i said "Let us come in China" Germany said i let them step in and they sat on my sofa "What?" i ask again "... Why are you doing this?" USA asks... I thought..

"C'mon China! You already killed my sunshine!.." Russia said "Oh shut up!... I need power.. More gold and land!" I said

"... Please China... Let their states go... Let Manila and Jakarta go.. Let Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao and Sabah go..." Germany got up and went to me and said that,  i growl and push him over luckily Russia caught him Rus made Germany go behind him

"You changed..." Rus said "I DON'T CARE GET OUT!!!" i snapped having enough.. they got out... I went back upstairs to my room...

"Seems like i need some stress relieving..." i mumble i smirked the two shiver...

I pick Manila up and lay him on the bed i took off Manila's clothes and mine "P- PLEASE CHINA D- d- DON'T HARM HIM PLEASE!!!" Jakarta yelled "SHUT UP DOG!!!' i yell at him i forcefully kissed Manila and i slide my tongue in his mouth swirling the inside i slid my hands over his cheek, chest and hips.. I got up

{~Manila POV~}

China got up and took a syringe from the bed drawer.. I knew what it was... I shook my head and whimpered tearing up in fear

"Shh... It won't hurt for long.. My Wonderful Pearl..." He said and injected the syringe into my neck i whimpered as the heat took over me starting with my abdomen..

I slowly felt something against my hole making 'it' slip in cause im wet i whimpered to the pleasure... I felt ' it ' go in and out making me moan louder i felt wetness go down my mouth... I- im drooling... "P- please C- china stop!" i pleaded Jakarta.. I heard him whimper... i yelp as i was lifted... I open my eyes and saw him underneath me

i felt his hands on my waist... It guided my waist back and forth i moaned loud "AHHH~ S- ST- AHHH!!~ STOP I- HAH IT PLEASE!!!" i begged..

I cummed just as he did he plopped me off his stomach and went above me and licked the cum off my stomach and lap wiping off the rest and gave me my clothes back.. He was the one who made me wear my clothes.. "Had fun My Wonderful Pearl?" He said he kissed my cheek..

He went to Jakarta...

"P- PLEASE CHINA P- PLEASE DON'T HURT HIM PLEASE!!!!" i straight up yelled, he growled "SHUT UP!!!' he yelled he took a whip and a shock collar also took a rope...

I shivered... Scared for Jakarta... China tied Jakarta's hands together he took another rope and tied it around Jakarta's neck not too tight not too lose just right... He took the shock collar and put it around Jakarta he turned the shock collar on and... Jakarta screamed in intense pain China tightened the rope around Jakarta's neck Causing the Indonesian to choke he began to hit Jakarta with the whip taking all his anger out on him.. "CHINA PLEASE S- STOP!!!" I yelled crying...

A few minutes passed by... China turned off the shock collar and took it off Jakarta... Jakarta fainted China took off the rope around Jakarta's neck the rope bruised his neck china untied Jakarta's hands...

China went to me... He took off my clothes i cried "P- please not a- again!" i begged crying "my needs are satisfied My Wonderful Pearl... I just need you to change... This one covers too much skin..." He said after he took off my clothes he opened his closet...

He took a maid outfit he put on the top on me... It was a crop top... He put the skirt on me.. It was knee-length he chuckled and licked my neck...


(1527 words)

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