Make ( her pay) or Break ( her heart)??

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I can't move from my seat at my desk. I haven't moved for hours. I have no idea where she went. I clear my mind and try to think of places she may have mentioned in the past about going, I know it's not Italy because she knows that's the first place I would think to look. I remember speeding home and almost crashing into a taxi headed in the opposite direction, was that her? It has to be we are the only house on this road for miles and the only other house is vacant. I literally passed right by her as she was leaving me and didn't know. Now I understand what that uneasy and unsettling feeling in my heart was, it was my heart being torn apart because it's other half was gone.
     I have to find her, there is no question about it. I can't let her think I don't love her she needs to hear and know that she has always been my only love. I can't and won't let her go. There will be no divorce, ever!! My mind is wondering, do I find Eda first or deal with Selin first? Did Murat follow her? Is she alone, heart broken and being preyed upon by him or any others? I call Omer to tell him about what happened, he is apologetic for suggesting that I not tell Eda, but ultimately it was my call and I chose to keep it from her, once again thinking of not hurting her but instead hurting her even more. Will I ever learn? I tell Omer that I think Eda left in a taxi because I had almost crashed into a taxi as I was racing home. I remember the name of the company and he says he will see what he can find out.
     He tells me that he found the connection between Selin and Murat and that her father had done business with him in the past. He tells me that Selin's father has had business rivals seriously injured or killed. He says that he has electronic evidence of these contract kills. He reports that since I gave him the cell number from which Murat called Selin from he has been tracing it. He reported that he lost the trace at the airport, which can only mean that he was following Eda as she left. I can't help but visualize this animal taking advantage of and hurting my wife and it fuels my anger to eliminate him. Omer says that he has contacted a friend of his from the FBI and was informed that they were already investigating Selin's father and Murat had been in their cross hairs  for years but they could never catch him. Omer said that the FBI was also monitoring Selin as evidence had surfaced of some illegal activity with her as well, such as drug smuggling and possibly trafficking. Omer tells Serkan that with the evidence he had been able to give them about Selin and her contact with Murat, they were getting the arrest warrant prepared and were going to arrest her tonight.
     Just as Serkan was going to reply, he received a text from Selin telling him that she wanted him to meet her at her hotel but not in the dining room but in her room. He had to make a decision;go to Selin and have a front row seat to her downfall and arrest or try to find Eda.
** I know we all want Serkan to finally be smart enough to make the right decision here. It's a no brainer right? It is for us but maybe not him.  He tries to think logically all the time not taking into consideration what Eda said about some things not having logic.**

I can't believe my mind actually went there just now.  I did it again didn't I, it was unknowingly as it always was, but I was actually thinking about going to Selin first, just to end her of course but still it was like I  would be putting her first again. I can't help but think  about Murat getting to Eda first and what could happen to her and I want to hit myself for being such an asshole. I  made a call to the cab company about a pick up at my address and was informed that there was indeed a pick up that went to the airport. I got in my car immediately and headed to the airport.  Once I  arrived I  ran inside and approached the woman behind the ticket desk and asked her if a ticket was purchased for Eda Bolat?  She informed me that yes a ticket had been purchased. I  felt a sense of relief. I knew she wasn't permitted to tell me about the destination of the ticket so I  was prepared to use every charm I  had to get the information I needed to get to my wife before it was to late. But it turns out I  didn't have to because just as I  was about to disarm the woman with my smile, Omer called with Eda's  flight information. She had booked a one way ticket to New York. I was stunned, Eda spoke very little English so I knew she was heartbroken if she travelled so far away from me and the hurt she thought she would have to endure by me being with Selin,without knowing the language. I immediately booked the next flight to New York, which left in an hour. I drove home quickly, packed clothing and called Omer about the status of Selin's arrest as I raced  back to the airport. Omer updated me that the FBI was on their way to Selin now and that they had corresponded with the FBI in New York regarding Murat.

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