Chapter 2

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Y/N pov

I made my way home to find that my dad wasn't here. Thank fuck for that. I really cant be assed with him at the moment. So I decided that I would just grab something quick to eat before heading back out. I had my cigarettes with me, yeah I know it's a bad habit, it can kill me but hey ho, big whoop.

I was sat up by the river, just enjoying the peace and tranquillity until I had to go to this party. I know Tony would make me stay for a while so fuck it. I can do with having a bit of fun to get my mind off of everything and that calls for a drink.

I didn't realise how long I was outside for until I looked at the time and noticed I was late to go to Tony's. I quickly ran to my car.
It didn't take me too long to get to Tony's. As soon as I got out of my car I noticed that most of the school was here. I was soon greeted by an overly cheery Tony.

"Hey Y/N, you got the stuff?" He asked when he put his arm around my shoulders.

"Yeah here." I said as I shrugged his arm off of me and handed him the bags while taking the money off him.

"Come on let's have a drink for old times sake." He said as he lead me in to his house.

Wanda pov

I just watched as Y/N walked out in the middle of class. I looked over at Nat, my best friend who is also the cheerleader captain who just shrugged her shoulders. I remember her telling me that she has had a tough life. She used to be friends with everyone when they were in middle school until she lost her mum. And since then she had distanced herself from everyone. I would be lying if I said I didn't have a crush on her. I have tried talking to her a few times but she was always quick to get away from any conversation. I just wish I could actually get to know her. I was getting ready with Nat and Maria at mine.

"How's your new lab partner?" Maria asked with a smirk. I knew that Nat had told her.

"I don't really know. She left halfway through the lesson" I said as I shrugged my shoulders.

"She used to be a riot when we were younger before she had to go live with  her dad." Nat said with a sad smile. "We used to be best friends because our mums were best friends."

"What exactly happened to make her the way she is now." I asked them both as I was finishing doing my hair.

"Well her mum was picking her up from basketball practice and she got into an accident which killed her instantly. We were at her funeral, we only saw Y/N briefly before her dad came to pick her up. We didn't even get to talk to her at the grave side." Nat told me sadly. I honestly felt bad for her, that she had to go through that alone.

"Her dad isn't the nicest person. In fact he's the worst person there is. He left her and her mum not long after she was born." She told me quietly.

"Why would he do that. Didn't he love them?" I asked wanting to know more about her.

"Yeah he loved her mum, but when he found out about Y/N he left. He didn't want a freak for a kid. Those were his words." She said and I still couldn't believe it.

"How is she a freak?" I asked quietly as I had done the finishing touches on my make up.

"Well she's intersex." She whispered like she didn't want to give her secret away. "Just please don't let this leave this room, I know I haven't really spoke to her in years but I still care about her."

"I won't say anything to anyone, I promise." I told her as I pulled her in for a hug knowing that she misses her friend.

"Well she's coming tonight, pepper told me that Tony invited her this morning." Maria told us both.

"Oh no, that can only mean one thing." Nat said quietly to herself.

"What does it mean?" I asked with furrowed brows.

"Well Tony's wanting to get some drugs for the party." Nat told us both.

"Wait so she's a dealer." Maria asked shock evident on her face.

"Well her dad is, but he has her sell in the school, he had her start doing it when she moved in with him." Nat informed us both. I couldn't believe it. She didn't really seem like the type.

"Well we should get going for the party guys" Maria said as she pushed the two of us out of the room.

The three of us piled inside nats car and made our way to Tony's. When we had walked inside we were instantly met with the smell of smoke and alcohol. It wasn't long until we found the rest of our friend group. We were all lost in conversation when my eyes found her with a drink and a smoke in her hand. I started to make my way over to her.

"Hey Y/N, I'm sorry about earlier." I said trying to start a conversation with the girl that held my heart.

"It's fine." She said not making eye contact while taking a drag.

"No its not, I shouldn't have pushed you. It was wrong of me." I said trying to prolong the conversation that she is so desperately trying to avoid. "Why don't you come and have a drink with us?"

"No thanks, I definitely don't fit in with the popular crowd." She said stepping closer to me making my breath hitch. "Let's just face it miss popularity, we both come from different worlds ok. Yours is all unicorns and rainbows and guess what mine is hell. So I think it's best if you keep your distance if you don't want to get your pretty little heart broken." She started to walk away before whispering in my ear. "See you around maximoff."

I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as I watched her walk out. I quickly gathered myself before making my way over to my friends. Thank god that I was wearing make up so no one could see my flustered state.

Y/N pov

I really hated saying that to wanda but she's just too pure and innocent to be brought into this part of my life. I was really just trying to protect her but I guess she will never really understand. It wasn't long until I made my way home to find my dad sat on the sofa drunk. As soon as he heard me come in he held his hand out for the money that I earned today. As soon as he put it away with the rest of the cash I was quickly met with a punch to the face. I don't know how many times I've been hit by this man. Well more of a coward to be honest. When he had knocked me down with another punch to the jaw he started to kick my stomach. When he was finally finished he made his way up to his room to sleep it off. I know for a fact that it's going to hurt in the morning but all I do know is that I just want to go to sleep and forget about my shit life for once.

Hard Love (Wanda x Fem Reader GiP)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon