"Oh, do you all of your friends have it?"

"Well, not all. Some choose to keep their body off from being tattoed, and some are yet to have one for they are too young.

"Metkayina clan people have tattoos placed in specific parts of their body, they are unique to each of us and explains the chronicles of one's life. I have my tattoos placed by the order of the chief, says I am eligible enough to earn them."

Kiri, now extremely awestrucked from the given information, looked at her even more curious than ever. She appreciated how Navieh was patient and understanding with her.

"I swear, you are the coolest of all the people I've ever met."

Na'vieh laughed lightly at the younger girl's reply. "Oh yeah? Well it doesn't really look very cool for me right now, I would say." She joked while pointing at her abdomen wrapped in cloth, giving Kiri fake hurting expression which made both of them snigger.

Na'vieh felt the most closest with the eldest daughter of the family just this way, judging from the way they were similar in many ways. She definetly would want to be friends with her too in the future, and she wished no one will prevent her from doing so.

"But you're just a few years older than me, how come you have so many? I mean, you have your whole back tattooed, and even your arms and chest have it too." Kiri asked, genuinely out of curiosity. Ideas and stories entered her mind as she thought of it.

"You must have been through many adventures!"

Na'vieh paused for a while, feeling a staggering emotion she rarely felt. If Kiri was Metkayina, she probably wouldn't praise her and compliment her as much as she did now. She would simply nod away if she was, especially since the tattoos scattered on her body represents being a warrior. Violence.

Her tattoos were symbolic, yes. But just like any warrior who has had many battles, she didn't earn them just by dilly-dallying.

"That's... uh, not exactly wrong." Na'vieh answered with a sigh. "I was a warrior child way before being appointed as a tsahik-in-training. I like to consider myself still as one. Its not easy to change roles, but I accept change."

Kiri nodded, fully understanding her. Of all the young pledged warrior that she had met, she thinks Na'vieh is the most pleasant and calmest one she's ever met other than her brother, Neteyam. She smiled at this fact and felt even more closer to her.

"Your life seems interesting." She mumbled.

Na'vieh hummed in response, fully knowing that her 'interesting' life isnt as wonderful as one can think of.

Being a young warrior definetly forged her as she is now, but it was far from being interesting. She may be gentle to people, but only Eywa will know how hell will arose if she shows rage.

However, she just smiled at Kiri's opinion and continued to chatter with her the whole afternoon, telling her stories of her home in exchange for her's.

However, she just smiled at Kiri's opinion and continued to chatter with her the whole afternoon, telling her stories of her home in exchange for her's

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