Chapter One: An Enigma Of Sorts

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Cordelia had many thoughts clouding her mind, most of them regarding her return to the majestic magical school of Hogwarts. She was aware of the fact that nearly everyone who was someone was aware of the Tournament, and its limited amount of participants. She was also aware that her parents not only expected her to be one of those chosen few but to also end up as champion.

A sigh escaped her lips as she glanced at the mess the Parkinson and Nott heirs had made the previous night when they abruptly decided to stay for a sleepover. Feathers, clothes and food items were strewn across the floor, some weird substance even plastered onto her esteemed window space. The only places left untouched were her closet and bathroom, their doors facing similar treatment to her room, but the rooms left clean.

Some would be appalled at the prospect of three teenage pureblood Slytherins causing such havoc, those people were obviously neither purebloods nor Slytherins, which explained their opinions. You see contrary to popular belief Slytherins weren't always brooding and serious, the keyword there being always.

Yes, they probably would end up that way when they became their parents' age, but teenage purebloods were much like any other teenagers. Chaotic, egotistical, ambitious, and above all struggling to find their place in the world. It didn't help much that as purebloods they had a tower of expectations and responsibility staring them down wherever they went. The only place they could be themselves was around each other in the confines of their common room, dorms, or the Hogwarts Express.

The latter being the location the Black-Macmillan family was currently Apparating to. With yet another sigh Cordelia put out her arms and started muttering cleaning spells, directing them to each part of the room. She could've just called upon Tinky, her house-elf, but the little creature would certainly snitch on her and she didn't want her mother to chastise her.

Finally, when everything was returned to its place and the room looked as good as always, she pulled on her school robes and addressed the mirror, making minor adjustments to her appearance. Porcelain arms pulled her chocolate brown locks to the back of her head, her fingers making quick work with the silky substance. The hair was divided into two parts, the left half falling onto her shoulder as she dealt with the right half placed in her hand.

Cordelia further parted her hair, dividing the right half into an up and down section. When she was satisfied with the partition, her digits weaved a simple fishtail braid from the top half, stopping as her fingers slipped towards her shoulder. She tied the braid to ensure it didn't loosen and instead moved onto the left side, repeating the process and once again halting as it met her shoulder. Then, she released each braid from their plastic restrictions, and tied them both together, forming a 'y' of sorts and completing the elegant yet simple hairstyle.

The pureblood witch gave her reflection a satisfied once-over, her eyes dwindling in their prowess as the queer blue irises met their reflection. A sigh escaped her lightly painted lips as she deeply examined her eyes, the pupils dilating and cornea watering as Cordelia's mind drifted off to a foreign place.

"Mistress's presence is required. Master Orion sends Tinky, Mistress."

Lia's upper body turned as she sent the house-elf a prominent frown, delaying her response as she once again glanced at the mirror.

"I'll be down in a minute, you can take my trunk."

Ever the punctual creature, Tinky yanked the black trunk towards her tiny frame and Disapparated, leaving Cordelia alone. Blue eyes once again glanced at themselves as she deeply stared into her pools, almost reassuring herself as she set her mask in place.

Cordelia descended down the stairs, muttering a quick apology over her delay. As always the Black males and females apparated with each other, reaching the platform in two duos, the adults quickly mingling with their friends and family. Orion and Cordelia, on the other hand, were left to find their friends.

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