dont mind this

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a one shot but i've never written a one shot nor do I know how to write them lolz

Emily's POV

I race back to the mirror and flick on the mascara and place the last bobby pin back in it's place under my bun. I turn to look at the clock and sigh out of relief. "5 minutes early, if I go back to the party now no one will suspect a thing" I think. I grab my purse and head out to my Tesla. Flicking the car into gear I race down the road and towards the Grayson house.

I swiftly race towards the door, not looking at who and what was in front of me. I almost get to the door when someone runs into me. "Oh sorry" a familiar voice calls. That bold British accent was so familiar that I was shocked. I look up at the man only to see the sandy brown hair of, Aiden Mathis. "Aiden hey," I say shocked. "Emily oh hi, long time no see, you coming in?" he asks. I nod my head and continue going to the door. My face fills with confusion, why was he here? Who sent him? "Want a drink, my shout" he smirks. I look up at him as I snap back into reality. "Uhh okay, thanks" I reply. Aiden disappears into the crowd and I go sit at one of the high tables in the corner. I look around and see no sight of Daniel, maybe he left his own party too. Shortly after Aiden comes back with shots. "It's Vodka, your favourite" he smiles handing me one. I roll my eyes and smile. "I haven't had Vodka since that night". That night was 7 years ago. "Well let's see if your gag reflex is back for this then" he smirks and skulls it, pulling a face straight after. "My god this is shit" he laughs. I giggle and quickly flick the Vodka into my mouth, no reaction once again. Aiden looks at me and laughs. "Man I don't know how you do that". I shrug my shoulders. "Neither do I" I laugh. I look up at Aiden and our eyes lock. I blink away. "My shout" I say hopping out of my seat and grabbing two more drinks. I bring them back and place one in front of Aiden. "The hell is this?" he asks, scanning the sunset coloured drink that lay in front of him. "Taste it, it's one of my favs" I smile. Aiden takes a sip out of it and smiles. "Something tangy in that, it's really good". I smile and take a big swig of my drink. "Let's get to know each other again shall we?" he smirks. I smile and nod.

3 hours later, the crowd grows smaller, the bill grows bigger and our alcohol intake goes to a new level of too much. The laughs grow quieter as our energy starts to plummet. I gaze into Aiden's eyes and he smiles. I yawn and smile. Aiden softly pulls the loose piece of hair behind my ear and puts his hand on the side of my face. "God I don't if this is the alcohol talking but I really want to kiss you right now" he says. I laugh and look up at him. I pull my head off his hand and place my hands on his neck as I place my lips on his. Aiden joins into the kiss, placing his hand back on the side of my neck, allowing my head to rest. Before I know it the kiss is over and Aiden is staring back into my eyes lovingly. "First time in" he starts. "5 years" I finish off. He laughs. "Only feels like yesterday". I yawn again. "Younger Emily didn't get tired this quickly, what changed?" he smirks. "Life I guess".

My stomach churns. "Too much alcohol, I'm going home" I say getting up. "Don't drive, i'll walk you home, it's not that far" he says holding my hand. My fingers lock with his and I look up at him and giggle. He kisses the side of my head. "You're just as beautiful as you were the last time I saw you". I smile and turn to face him. "I love you" he whispers and pulls me into his chest. A sense of warmth and comfort fills me. "I love you too".

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2021 ⏰

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