Part 1 ig

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Just a lil Aimily Oneshot

Emily ran her fingers through her hair, a hairband lightly tucked between her lips, as she pulled her hair back into a sleek ponytail. She was supposed to meet Amanda and some of the others at Porter's in half an hour but she'd only just made her way out of the shower and was rushing to get dressed. Emily quickly threw on a pair of jeans and a mint button-up shirt and sprinted out the door. She swung the door to her Tesla open and slid inside. The door clicked shut as she put the jet-black car into gear.

A wave of relief washed over Emily as she realized she'd made it on time. She knew if she was late Amanda wouldn't let her forget it for the rest of the night, Emily giggled at the thought and then made her way inside the bar. As she stepped inside, her eyes were immediately drawn towards a certain chestnut-haired guy standing by the bar. No one had told her Aiden would be here. Her heart fluttered as she wandered over to where Amanda was sitting. "Hey! I'm honestly surprised you made it on time" Amanda laughed. Emily smiled and took a seat next to her. Nolan was seated on the other side but was yet to join the conversation, he seemed engrossed in something on his phone. "I see you've already ordered drinks. How rude, you didn't even wait for me" Emily joked, "Haha sorry" Amanda sheepishly replied. "Don't worry about it, she's just looking for an excuse to go to the bar" Nolan deadpanned, his eyes not leaving the screen of his phone. Emily's face flushed, "I'm- uh I'm not- that's- y'know what I'm gonna order a drink" Emily stuttered as she quickly stood up and speed-walked towards where Jack was bartending.

"Woah, didn't expect to see you here" a familiar voice chimed. Emily whipped around, staring right into the piercing blue eyes before her. "Hi Aiden, I didn't know you were here" Emily stated swiftly, knowing fully well that she noticed him when she first arrived. "Seeing as you're here. Why don't I buy you a drink? And y'know, catch up?" Aiden suggested. A slight tinge on his cheeks was visible. "Hell, why not" laughed Emily. "Let me guess.... Cocktail?" Aiden questioned. Emily chuckled, "You know me too well" she replied.

A couple of drinks later and Emily and Aiden had been chatting away for a while now. Nolan and Amanda were having the time of their lives watching the two flirt and banter. As the bill got higher and higher so did Aiden's confidence. It was only a matter of time before they either gave in and went home or passed out on the barstools. The laughter between the two slowly died down and they were left looking at each other, smiling, simply enjoying the other's company.

Aiden then broke the silence. "Hey Emily" he prompted. "Yeah?" she yawned as she took another sip of her drink. "Can I kiss you?" he inquired. "Is that your attempt at a pick-up line?" Emily joked. "I guess," he laughed. Emily's face flushed a deep red as she realized, shit he's not joking. "Well, what would you say if I told you it worked?" she spoke. Aiden didn't respond. He simply leaned in, placing his hand on the side of her face, and kissed her. Emily kissed back immediately, her arms finding their way around his neck. It was soft and sweet, it was everything a kiss should be. Before either one of them knew it, the kiss was broken, yet the aura of it still lingered. Emily pulled her arms back down and intertwined her hand with Aidens. He responded with a soft smile and pulled her in close. Emily yawned again and leaned into the crook of Aiden's neck. "C'mon. How about we get you home and into bed" Aiden suggested. She slowly nodded her head as her eyes fluttered shut. Aiden stood up and carefully scooped Emily up. "I'll drive you home, okay?" he explained, "If you're not too hungover by tomorrow we can come back to pick up your car". He looked down only to see a peacefully sleeping Emily. Aiden let out a small laugh as he placed her in the backseat to rest. 'Goodnight sleeping beauty" he laughed.

It really was the perfect night out.

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