From a distance away, the clanging of the dinner bell rang through the small clearing, and both boys looked at each other in grim understanding.

"Whoever loses makes the beds for the next week." Dream uttered, emerald eyes meeting scarlet.

Technoblade nodded stiffly, before both boys shot off, screeching as they went. Trampling on sticks and the odd patch of dried leaves, they sped off towards the orphanage.

They jumped and leaped, to try and gain even the slightest advantage. However, though Technoblade was far superior in combat, Dream was the man to go for speed.

Dream snickered, catching Techno off guard, before he made a huge leap, grabbing onto a low-hanging branch, before using the momentum to swing himself much farther.

"HEY!" Techno yelled, but it was futile. Dream was already far ahead, and wheezing maniacally as he reached the orphanage first, slapping a hand onto the worn wood.

Technoblade quickly caught up, groaning as Dream leant on the wall for support as he caught his breath.

"You always do that!" He grumbled, but it was short-lived, as they were caught by Mother, the woman who ran the orphanage. (She never liked how they were all sent to be soldiers for some cause or another, and was often vocal about her disapproval. There wasn't much she could really have done, but they appreciated it nonetheless.)

"Little gremlins!" She sighed, as she grabbed their collars. "I thought you two went missing! What did I tell you about leaving the clearing?"

The boys drooped, as they hung their heads. They didn't want to make Mother worry, and simultaneously muttered a "Sorry..".

Mother smiled, a crinkle forming at the corner of her eyes.

"Oh, I could never get mad at you two.." She sighed, before she pulled them both into a hug.

Mother released them, but fixed a stern face on again.

"Remember, tell me if you want to go train or play, or whatever! I'll send one of the bigger ones with you."

The boys shared a look, but stayed quiet. After all, it was widely known that Dream and Technoblade never needed a fifteen year old to come with them if they wanted to go out. Technoblade would be able to defeat anyone anyways.

Mother allowed them to go inside for lunch, and they swung themselves onto oak benches, slurping greedily at the bowl in front of them.

Dream and Technoblade swung their legs at each other, starting an impromptu kicking competition, but quickly stopped when Mother walked past.

Purpled, a younger kid, only about eight years old, grinned at them.

"So, who won?" He giggled, a cheeky grin stretching across his soup-stained face.

Purpled was one of the few enhanced in the orphanage, with an ability to manipulate light, an ability that if properly trained, would be incredibly valuable and powerful. There was talk about sending him to a master once he reached his tenth birthday, six years younger than normal.

He had killed his father by accident when he was four.

A freak accident involving a torchlight and an unfortunately placed mirror.

After that, his family didn't want him anymore, calling him a demon and a changeling, and he was dropped on the doorstep of the orphanage before long. Technoblade and Dream found him on the doorstep one frigid winter's day, having snuck out of the orphanage to collect pretty rocks.

Purpled had loved them ever since.

Now, he looked at them with glittering eyes, purple eyes that were unnaturally shiny. Flashes of light flickered around his hands, which wore masterfully crafted rings that held bright white gems. They suppressed his magic to ensure that he wouldn't harm anyone accidentally, and could only be taken off after his tenth birthday.

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