Confrontation 2

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•Nevaeh's POV•

Sharife had just picked me up, took me to get food, and now we were sitting in an empty parking lot. "Vaeh" He said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

This was it, the moment I've been dreading. "Look Sharife I just wanted to put it out there that over the years we've been friends I grew feelings for you." I said rambling on and on. "It's cool if you don't feel the same way, I just wanna know if we could still be friends." I said, looking anywhere but him.

"Yeah we could still be friends, I'm glad Yeen try to make this shit all awkward" he laughed, easing the tension and my embarrassment. "Never that," I laughed. "We were friends before anything." I said smiling.

Truth be told, her heart just completely shattered. She'd never show it though. She never really deals with her emotions. She just acts like it never happened and moves on with life because that's all she knows how to do. She always tells herself   "Life goes on"  or  "I'll get over it eventually"  that's just her mentality.

The ride back home was a comfortable silence. They pulled into her drive way where Nevaeh saw her mom had just gotten off of work. "Ight bye" she said getting out the car. "Bye" Sharife said back. Pulling off.

"Where you been lil girl?" Her mom asked. "I went out with Sharife to get sumin to eat. That's all" I answered, hoping she ain't start doing the most. "Next time let me know you going somewhere. Ion know why you think you grown. People crazy nowadays, get snatched up if you want to" she said, and I swear I wanted to tell her to just shut up. "Yes ma'am" I said, walking up to my room.

•Next Day At School•

"Girl my bad. I truly thought he felt the same way about you." Jasmine said. "Girl you good, I'm not stressing over it" I said. I was honestly over the situation. At least now I know he doesn't feel the same way and I can move on to somebody else.

"Gurl you better than me. Cause I would not be that nigga friend. I'd be somewhere being depressed." Jasmine said, as I laughed. "Gurl I can't force him to like me. If he don't feel the same way then he just don't feel the same way. It is what it is." I said.

Her mentality made it easy for her to push things to the back of her mind. Which made it easier and quicker for her to get over a situation. She was just great at handling her emotions. Living in a family like hers, you had to be able to handle your emotions.

"Aye" I heard, a deep voice call. Me being curious, I turned around. Child when I turned around I almost died from shock. There stood the school's other star basketball player. Dior Johnson. In the flesh. "What class you got next?" He asked, looking down at me. "Chemistry" I answered, playing it normal.

(A/N: in this book allat stuttering and shit will not happen. That shit is cringe to me. Like they're just gonna be more composed, and real life like and not like them movies and shit.)

Even though this whole thing was weird to me cause he's never talked to me before.

"Lemme walk you there." He smirked at me. "Ight, cmon" I said, starting the walk. While all this had happened I noticed out of my peripheral vision that Jasmine had made her way over to Jalen, and that they were now over there giggling. I wish they'd get together already.

While we started walking he grabbed my hand. I just let him not really thinking into it. As we were walking down the hallways to Ms. Tadlocks class, we passed Sharife. When I tell y'all he had the meanest mug on his face.

I lowkey wanted to laugh, because how do you look jealous when I confessed my feelings and you said we should just be friends. It ain't like you didn't have a chance. I just brushed him off.

"When's y'all next game?" I asked Dior. "Thursday, why?" He asked. "Boy don't answer my question with a question" I laughed.

"But nah I was just asked cause I might come" I answered truthfully. "Aww our first day being friends and you already supporting me" he smirked, tryna be funny. "Since when did I say we were friends" I smirked, trying to get under his skin.

I'm not even gone lie, I could be a player if I wanted to. Cause I could sweet talk any nigga to be honest. They lucky god ain't make me a boy, cause I would've been something serious.

"Me, so we friends" he answered. "Ok sir" I laughed, making him laugh. "Yeen have no smart ass comeback this time?" He egged on, that smirk still plastered on his face. "I did but I didn't want to embarrass you in these hallways like that" I laughed. "Oh you got jokes" he laughed.

We had finally reached Ms. Tadlocks class. "Bye friend" I smiled at him. "Bye friend" he smirked at me.

He walked off, as I watched. I walked into the class and sat down in my usual seat. We didn't have assigned seats, but this was like my assigned unassigned seat.

Sharife came in, and sat next to me. Which was weird cause he usually sits two rows ahead of me.  "Wassup with you and Dior?" He asked, his voice flat out telling me he was jealous. "Nothing we just friends" I answered.

Which honestly wasn't a lie, because we just started being friends. "Oh". He said sounding like he didn't believe it, but I left it alone because he wasn't my nigga. We were just friends, so I wasn't obligated to explain myself to him.

•End of The School Day•

•Sharife's POV•

Dior been constantly flirting with Nevaeh all day. It's honestly been pissing me off. I don't know why either because I've never even looked at Nevaeh in a relationship way until now.

I watched as they walked out the building together, all buddy buddy.

Seeing him wrap his arm around her made me get this feeling in my stomach. I decided to shoot her a text. "Lemme know when you home. Imma come scoop you. We needa talk." I sent the message, and made my way to my car.

"Friends"| Sharife CooperWhere stories live. Discover now