"Or butter, or cheese, or food of any kind."

The boys groaned. "What about--" (Y/N) began.

"Rule #34, no climbing trees or jumping out of them, followed by rule #35, no tying anyone to a kite." The five kids groaned again. "See, hon? They're groaning." Tom stood up. "I got this! It'll be good for ya."

"You need to go an relax," Dawn mentioned as she stood up.

"I do, I really do," Anne agreed.

"Face it," Ricky said. "We stress you out."

"You do, You really do."

"You know who else stresses you out?" Dicky asked. "Dad."

"I do," Tom nodded

"You really do," Anne nodded. The driver honked his horn once again, and Anne exploded. "Hold your horses, I am coming!" After calming down for a moment, her eyes widened. "Wow. I really need this."

"You do," they all agreed, terrified. "You really do, "

"Okay, I will see you guys in a couple of days. I love you so much!" Anne hugged her children, telling them to behave as they also overlapped her, saying "I love you"s and "We'll miss you"s and "Bye Mrs. Harper!"

Once Tom closed the door, Dawn spoke up. "Alright. Mom is gone. Hey, Dad, nice one on the fake rule book. She totally bought it," She turned to the four and pointed as she spoke: "Alright. You all have your assignments: whipped cream, chips, donkey, saddle. I'll get the spoons!"

They all went to act, but Tom stopped them. "W-W-Wait!" he stammered but was still in command. "This is not a fake rule book. This is serious!"

"So no donkey?" Nicky asked.

"Eee-aww," they all groaned like a donkey.

"Listen guys, your mom should be able to go away and relax without havin' to worry about us, which is why I made the Big Book o' Rules," Tom held up the binder and Dawn grabbed it from him, flipping through it, and gasped.

"These rules are ridiculous!" she complained.

"You guys are just going to have to deal with it."

"But-" Dicky tried to protest.

"Ah! When you pay the rent, you can make the rules," Tom smiled victoriously and walked off.

"I can't believe this! He's treating us like little kids!"

"But we are," (Y/N) said.

"We're old enough," Nicky exclaimed. "We should be able to make our own rules!"

"But we can't."

"Well, how could we EVER pay the rent with the tiny allowance he gives us?" Ricky pushed. "He's rigged the whole system!"

"Wait," (Y/N) then pondered. "Is that why my parents make me work for my own money?" The quads nodded eagerly. "There is a question of authority here!"

"Yeah!" the quads agreed with her.

"Wait," Dawn began. "Wait a minute. We're gonna rig the system right back and make us get in authority. We just need to figure out a way to make enough money so we CAN pay the rent. Then WE can make the rules!"

"Me too?" (Y/N) asked eagerly.

"You too, (Y/N)."


"We should probably cancel that donkey," Nicky stated.

But then, they heard the clopping of hooves and a neigh. "Too late!" Ricky whispered.

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