The next day in the Talon, Clark walks in with muffins and says, "Liana, where would you like these?" Liana says, "You can just put them on the counter." Clark says, "Getting ready for the big Spirit Week bash?" Liana says, "Trying to, I think Nell's used the protection booth as her personal mini-storage since the late '70s." Liana goes through a box and finds her mother with pictures of her with another man that's not her dad. Clark says, "What are those?" Liana says, "Clark, these photos are of my mom and some guy." Clark says, "Maybe he's an old boyfriend." Liana flips the photo to see the year and says, "They were taken when my parents were already married." Clark says, "Maybe he was just a friend." Liana softly smiles and  says, "I'm sure you're right." Lex comes over and says, "Right about what?" Clark says, "The mystery man with Liana's mother." Lex says, "Hey, they make an attractive couple. And there could be a million explanations. Who do you think it is?" Liana says, "I don't know, but I'll bet Nell does." Lex says, "Then mystery solved. I wish they were all this easy." Clark says, "Well, it's uh, it's late, we should get to school." Lex says, "I'm heading that way, if you need a lift." Liana says, "Uh, I'm okay. I've got the first two periods off." Lex says, "Clark?" Clark says, "No, I was just gonna... run." Lex says, "Oh, I don't think you could outrun my Porsche, Clark." Liana softly laughs. Later, Clark comes back into the Talon and says, "Hey. Came by to see if you needed a hand." Liana says, "Just in time. Thought you were helping your mom this afternoon." Clark says, "She said she's got it covered." Liana says, "Something wrong?" Clark says, "My mom's been kind of secretive in the last couple of days. I think it has something to do with my grandfather." Liana says, "I've never heard you mentioned him before." Clark says, "I've never actually met him before. I've only seen pictures. And those are like 20 years old." Liana says, "Do you know anything about him?" Clark says, "Just that he was a big corporate lawyer in Metropolis. He and my grandmother retired to Coast City. When I was in sixth grade, I made up my mind to call him. I left a bunch of messages, but he never called back. I guess he just wasn't interested." Liana says, "All these years, I've had this image of the Kent's as the perfect family." Clark says, "I guess we're just as dysfunctional as everyone else. I never did pressure my parents for the whole story." Liana says, "Maybe you didn't want to know." Clark says, "Maybe it's easier to live with the image than the truth." Liana says, "Looks like we're both dealing with secrets out of the past." Clark says, "I'm not sure what I'm gonna do, but this is your chance to get some answers." Liana turns around to see Nell and then turns back around to see Clark and nods. Clark says, "I'll catch up with you later?" Liana nods and turns to face Nell. Nell says, "Liana, the place looks fantastic. You've done a really good job here." Liana softly smiles and says, "Thanks. Um, I wanted to talk to you about something." Nell says, "Yeah, what is it?" Liana takes the photo's out of her purse and hands them to Nell. Liana says, "These pictures. Do you know who he is?" Nell says, "Must have been one of your mom's old boyfriends." Liana says, "They were taken after mom and dad were already married. Just two years before I was born." Nell softly smiles at Liana and says, "Liana, what's this about?" Liana says, "I'm not sure." Nell says, "Listen to me. Your mother... She loved you, Lana, and your father more than anything else in this world. She never would have done anything to hurt either one of you. You know that, don't you?" Later, Liana's in the theatre of the Talon with her cheer uniform on doing a performance on the stage with the rest of the cheer squad. Liana sees Lex come in and gets of the stage to go to him. Lex says, "Hey. I got a message you wanted to see me. Everything alright?" Liana says, "I was wondering if you could do me a favor." Lex says, "I take it Nell couldn't identify the mystery man?" Liana says, "If she could, she wouldn't tell me anything. I just, I wanna know who he is." Lex says, "Well, that shouldn't be hard to find. But coming to terms with it could prove to be more complicated." Liana says, "What do you mean?" Lex says, "Come on, you know the story of Pandora. She was given a box by Zeus and warned never to open it. She couldn't resist the temptation." Liana says, "I'm not afraid of the truth, Lex." Lex says, "Neither was Pandora. But once the box was open, it could never be closed. And all the misery she released could never be put back." Liana says, "I appreciate the warning. And anything you can tell me."

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