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AUTHOR'S NOTE: The title is the name of a song that I love so much by Katherine Heigl's husband, singer and song writer Josh Kelley. And the titles of each chapter will be after other songs of Josh's. I'm really looking forward to this project and I love Katie and Josh and Izzex so much, so I guess this is my love letter to them. </3 If you have any ideas or would just like to share your thoughts on this fic please comment. thx so much!


"Alright. Go long, Eli!"

Alex arched his arm back -- ready to throw.

"Go long!" He shouted across to him

He let go and the football spiraled through the air.

It barreled towards little Eli, fast. Izzie and Alexis watched Eli run in their direction, trying to race the football before it'd hit the ground.

Izzie cringed her face as she watched the ball fly farther and farther away from Eli.

"Alex, I don't think he can get it!" Izzie yelled across the field.

Eli jumped up right as the football went over his head and he.. Caught it!

As he landed he tripped on his footing and stumbled to the ground. "Oh, God.." Izzie uttered as she sprung forward and caught him.

Eli giggled, still holding the football as he looked up at Izzie.

Izzie grinned down at him, "You caught it, bud!"

"Yeah!" Eli squealed, looking down at the big football in his hands.

He lifted his hand, gesturing the Rock n Roll sign, "Rock star!"

Izzie beamed, copying him with both hands, "Yes, rock star! You are a rock star!"

Alexis ran up to them.

"Great job, Eli!" Alexis sung.

Alex couldn't help but smile as he came up.

"Did you saw me!? Did you saw me, Daddy? I caught it!" Eli exclaimed.

"I did! I did see it! That was awesome, dude!" Alex high-fived him.

"I'm so proud of you, buddy!" Alex grinned.

Eli stretched his arm up towards the sky, "I went sooo high up when I caught'd it!"

Alexis began dragging Alex by the arm back out into the field.

"C'mon.. it's my turn now, Daddy.." she said.

"Okay..okay.." He chuckled, getting the football back.

"Alright! Go long, Lex!" He called out, pointing far.

Alexis burst into a full sprint as Alex whirled his arm back, "Ready!? Here it comes!"

The football soared out of his grip and passed by Izzie and Eli.

"Look at her! She's like a bolt of lighting!" Alex said to Izzie with a big o'l smile.

They all started towards Alexis' direction.

Right when the football was about to hit the ground Alexis was able to grab it, though the leap she took made her fall and slide down in the dirt.

Alex and Izzie were almost to her as she shot up from the ground holding the ball. "Look! I got it, Daddy! Mommy, I got it!"

Izzie stopped in her tracks as they got to Alexis, seeing she was clearly unscathed.

In her relief and in Alexis' triumph, Izzie let out a chuckle seeing how pumped up Alexis got from catching the football in time.

Alex smiled eagerly, picking Alexis up and twirling her around.

She was daddy's girl, of course.

He put her down, kissing her forehead.

"D'you see me!?" Alexis asked in a squeal.

"That was so good, Lex!" Alex told her.

Alexis smiled big.

Alex turned to Izzie, "She runs like you,"

Izzie smirked at him, her eyes glistened.

"She sped 'cross that field like it was nothin'." Alex said.

"She's got them long legs like you." He winked.

Izzie glared at him, "Uh huh.." She said slyly.

"What? I wasn't insinuating anything.." Alex noted.

Izzie crossed her arms, walking away, "Right.."

"Seriously.. I wasn't!" He swore.

Izzie smacked his chest, smiling.

Alex let out a cackle as they began heading back to the farmhouse.

"You're such a liar.." Izzie laughed.

Eli looked up at Izzie as they walked, "I'm hungry, mom."

"I got hot dogs on the grill." She said kissing him on the head, and pulled him closer beside her so she could hug on him as they walked.

Alexis, between Alex and Izzie, glanced between the two of them. "Why is daddy a liar?" She asked, curiosity sparking in her tiny brain.

"Uh..m" Izzie cleared her throat and glared over at Alex.. "Daddy thought he was funny.."

"But, daddy is funny.." Alexis remarked.

Alex displayed his signature delighted frown at Izzie, as he showed his hand at Alexis, "Out of the mouths of babes."

Izzie shook her head and smiled.


END NOTE: I couldn't figure out what the word for that frowning facial expression that Alex, Izzie, and Alexis do is, so I just tried describing it the best I could in minimal words. I hope you enjoyed this! I'm very keen on staying on the family and fluff side but clearly it seems I'm also heading towards some angst too so :))) stayed tuned!

Busy Making MemoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora