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TWs: none
You have being living at the maze for the past six months after befriending everyone whilst getting lost. Once they had found out that you weren't a threat to them or the maze, they let you stay in the barn and help to keep trespassers away at night. During your time here, you have grown close to everyone, especially a certain scarecrow.
The past six months have been the best time in your life. Your normal, monotonous and lonely routine has now been replaced with the peace of the countryside, the excitement of helping to scare trespassers and best of all, making and spending time with some really good friends! Granted, on your first time meeting them, you were almost struck in the head with multiple pieces of gardening equipment and clawed half to death, but you digress! You have formed such close relationships with everyone here, despite their violent tendencies.

Waking up to the blare of your alarm clock, you groggily sat up as your consciousness slowly came back to you. It was your six month anniversary since you had arrived in the maze, and of course, you had to celebrate and right on cue, your bedroom door swings open aggressively, with an excited, shrill voice beginning to ring in your ears.

Long arms had wrapped their way around your torso, squeezing you into a much too tight hug.
'Thank you, Jack, but I think you're starting to cut off my circulation!' You managed to wheeze out, making the tall scarecrow loosen his grip on you, letting you returning to your normal breathing patterns.

'Sorry (y/n)! I forget humans have to breathe!' He laughed, waiting for you to accept his apology, which you did, laughing with him. Whilst living at the maze, pumpkin Jack had become sort of like a younger brother to you. Despite his overwhelming hyperactivity, he was always such fun to be around and would always enjoy spending time with you.

The ungodly noise created by Jack's outburst had caused some more visitors at your bedroom door.
'W-wait, you've been here for six months (y/n)? It really hasn't felt like it!' A timid voice calls from the corner of your door, followed by a quiet but low grunt. Cablecrow and Brute come into your room and sit down on your bed next to Jack, with a hopefully attempt to stop him from crushing you again.

Though not as close as you are with Jack, Cablecrow and Brute have also become very close friends with you! They were more like older siblings to you, protecting you from the trespassers and giving in after you and Jack spend hours convincing them to play with you two!

'Do you all need to make so much noise? Who cares if (y/n) is still here?' Rattler hisses as they walk by and stomps down the stairs to get to the kitchen. You and rattler had never seemed to get along. They were annoyed at the main rule of the maze changing for you: any trespasser must be killed, no exceptions and when you were spared and even offered a place to live with them, it seemed to really tick them off.

As if on cue, the person who you were both dreading and desperate to see appeared in the doorframe of your room. Immediately, a deep blush spread across your cheeks as you two locked eyes.
'What the hell's 'appening here?'

'Don't you remember, Brother? It's (y/n's) six month anniversary of being here!!' Jack shouted out, obviously annoyed at his older brother's lack of awareness of his friend. You put your face in your hands, trying to hide the quickly growing blush.
'J-Jack it really doesn't matter, it's not a big deal!' You try to bargain with the scarecrow, but to your dismay, he makes an even bigger deal of it.

'I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID'NT REMEMBER (Y/N's) ANNIVERSARY OF BEING WITH US!' He continues to embarrass you further.
'I guess I'm your favourite, right (y/n)?'
A weight was added to the bed between me and Jack.

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