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ok, this isn't really part of the re-write, but... I just wanted to vent a bit. I'll give a quick explaination on what happened earlier; I was just reading somw fanfics about KOTLC/ Keeper of the Lost Cities while listening to spotify. spotify started to go back to some old songs and then suddenly landed on 'Older' by Sasha Alex Solan. I listened to the song shock and then suddenly felt tears start to form. its bc, when I was still very young, my parents always uses to fight whenever my dad came home late. I would be stuck in the bedroom and then after a few minutes I would be Greeted by my mom going into the bedroom crying. take note: I was about 4-6 whenever this happens. I remembered when I would try to not listen to them fight and just calm down, but I couldn't resisst sometimes and had to hear them shouting... I also remember That when I managed to resisst, I would play this song and listen to it on repeat until my parents finally stopped. sooo yea, I just wanted to say that, and get it out of my chest. Im still crying from those memories and the painful looks on my moms face when they finished fighting. I hope you guys can comfort me. 💜😕

Your Dear Author ~Ikari

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