The meeting with God

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Soon Satan was there, kneeling at the feet of the person he hated most. Already there he couldn't say a word, he looked at Akira and tried to say something.

"What do you want Satan, what brings you here?"

Said God before him. Even so, Satan didn't dare to look up.


He try to say something.

"I beg you..."

Said the fallen angel in a whisper voice. But not because he didn't want to be heard, but because he was about to cry. God looked down at him and got a look at Akira.

"Aaa, so it is Akira Fudo. He actually managed to touch your heart!"

A tear ran down Satan's cheek. Now he managed to look up and looked confused at God.

"I beg you-"

He paused and swallowed before continuing,

"I beg you for ... grace"

He finished his sentence and looked down again. God knelt down too. A silence broke out when suddenly a loud sigh was heard and God got up again.

"Well then, I'll revive him. I'll give you one more chance, but I'll just bring him back to life and nothing more!"

Satan looked at him again, with such a hopeful face. But he had his doubts,

"Really? Are you really going to do this? But why? Why? How come you are doing me such a favour?"

He said.

"Even if you are a bad person, even if you did something wrong, you deserve a second chance. Like everyone else. "

Said God.

"You asked me for grace, didn't you? Or do you not want me to revive Akira? "

He suppressed a laugh when Satan looked at him again.

"No, I mean yes!"

Satan got confused,

"Of course I want Akira to be alive again!"

"Exactly. And besides that, I think Akira would do you good. "

Once again the fallen angel looked confused at God and didn't understand what was going on in his head.

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