"Let's play something more intense, shall we?" Skye said as she caught a smirk.

Skye stomped her feet to the ground, and she started playing a more vivid melody that Eli had never heard before. But even if he had never heard it, the rest of his body wanted to dance to it because of how catchy it was. He started silently jumping and moving around, when a sudden surprise made him stop. He could see more shadows approaching at the distance, but that wasn't going to stop him from enjoying this moment.

"Are you going to do what I think you'll do?" His mind asked.

"Oh, you sure know I fucking will..." Eli whispered to himself as he caught a smirk.

"Here goes nothing!" Skye screamed as her eyes were still closed.

And thus, the melody intensified. The beats were strongly marked, and those were the cues for Eli to make movements. He got rid of the shadows, beat by beat. He didn't even think about what moves he was doing, it was just about the rhythm.

"One-two-three-four!" He said to himself quietly. He was enjoying the moment so much it didn't even feel like a fight anymore. The shadows were gone for a little, and Skye made the moment even more unique.

"Time for a solo!" She screamed as she started playing notes that went beautiful together.

Eli couldn't stop smiling. He had never imagined a situation like this to be so fun. For now, he just started dancing with the music. He spun round and round and moved from side to side, until something dark at the distance caught his attention. It seemed to be the last wave of shadows, so he was ready for his final move.

"Here goes nothing..." Said Eli already know what he would do.

He started spinning and created a fireball in his hands. The shadows got closer and started surrounding him, but it was all part of his plan. He jumped, and the timing was perfect.

"Time for the finale!" Eli and Skye said at the same time.

Skye played the final part of her solo, and Eli threw his fireball piece by piece to the sky. He created a rain of fire, and it burned all the shadows away. Skye and the others could feel the heat, but they ignored it because they felt like it was part of the moment. She played the final note, and the god landed his feet on the ground just as she did. He caught a smirk, and he quickly hid so they didn't see him.

"That was amazing!" Luna said in joy as she opened her eyes.

"It sure was... I could even feel the heat of the moment!" Skye said excited of what had just happened.

Eli couldn't help chuckling a little, but he still stayed quiet. He was curious to see what was happening, so he peeked his head a little to see. He expected to see happy faces, but he noticed Nathan wasn't smiling. Instead, he was blushing and staring at the ground. He was confused, but then everything made sense.

"Oh? Nathan, is everything ok?" Luna asked as she got close to him. He stuttered a little at first, but he was able to say something that Eli couldn't help getting shocked with.

"Luna, there's something I need to tell you..." Nathan said as he slowly lifted his eyes and looked at Luna.

"HE'S NOT ABOUT TO DO WHAT I THINK HE'LL DO-" Eli's mind screamed.

"Oh, I think he is!" Eli whispered.

Eli was really excited to see that a new and wholesome bond was about to be created. He peeked a little more, and he started smiling. He could see that Nathan was shaking a little, but Luna got close and grabbed his shoulder to calm him down. At last, he took a deep breath and felt like he was ready to let it out.

"Luna, I think I-" Nathan suddenly stopped.

"Eli! I did it!" Iris screamed as she approached Eli.

"SHUT THE FU- AGH!" Eli quickly covered her mouth with his hand and pulled her away from the others.

Luna, Skye and Nathan could hear a bit of screaming from afar. They looked towards where the noise came from, and they could only see two silhouettes arguing far away from them.

"Pffft, I bet it's Oliver fighting with his sister again." Skye said as she chuckled.

"Haha! Yeah, but it did catch me off guard for a sec!" Luna said.

"Heh! It sure did..." Nathan said as he felt more relaxed. And taking advantage of that, he said what he had to say.

"Anyways, back to the main thing... Luna, I love you! I've done for quite some time now, but I was too shy to tell you before... I felt like this was the moment perfect moment for it!"

Luna blushed and smiled, and she quickly hugged Nathan really tight. It seemed like at this point everyone was finding their perfect match, and this wasn't going to be an exception.

"Nathan... I love you too!" She said as she let all her feelings out.

It was a beautiful moment for Skye to admire. She cried a little out of pure joy, while on the other hand Eli was still pissed at Iris for interrupting such an important moment.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!?" Iris screamed.

"YOU JUST FREAKING-" Eli wanted to scream back, but he then calmed down.

"Ok, ok... I guess you didn't know so it's not your fault. Just know you interrupted a really wholesome moment."

"Wait, did I?" Iris asked.

"Yeah... But I guess I'll tell you the details later. We have to go before they see us!"

With the shrine now fixed and a new love on the rise, Eli and Iris left the place and headed back home. Meanwhile, Luna and Nathan stayed together for a long time. Skye was smitten by the situation, so she kept playing a lot of cute music for them to hear and relax with.

More Than A God (IV)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें