Chapter 1

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~Beaus POV~

It had only been two weeks since Ophelia moved into the unit below me. I regret to say that I've tried catching glimpses of her a few times already. It was impulsive, I couldn't help myself from wanting to watch her. She was so intriguing to me.

After reading her information for the lease, I knew more about her than any stranger should. Ophelia was 18, actually just turned a few days ago. It seems as though she's been waiting to move out considering how little time it's been since her coming of age. She's also working near the complex at a local bakery.

"Mmm Beau doesn't this frosting taste good? I added lemon to it what do you think?" Ophelia giggles as she places a small finger full of frosting into my mouth.

My phone ringing suddenly brought me back to reality. "Hello?" I ask in frustration.

"Hello? Beau?" A voice called from the other end.

"Yes this is he?"

"Hi I saw your ad online and was seeing if the units still available?" The man asked.

I pause a moment, staring at my floorboards with satisfaction. "Actually it was rented out two weeks ago. That ad should be taken down I apologize. Have a great day." I hang up.

I take a deep breath, and grab the bottle of lotion sitting on my coffee table. Bringing it to my bedroom along with a towel I sit down and relax into the white pillows. This was a daily routine for me almost. I was a heavier guy, not particularly obese but more so built like a strong teddy bear, which apparently women don't find desirable these days. They love the men who brag about the high rises they get the privilege of bringing girls home to and the fact they have time to hit the gym 3-5 days a week all while basking in the wealth and nepotism their daddies provided.

Needless to say it's been a while for me, and as a local handyman slash landlord on the side I'm not as impressive to the other sex when compared. My last girlfriend was around three years ago. She was mentally unstable and became a shopaholic to ease the hole her trauma left her. She went on a manic shopping spree while I was away seeing my brother and his wife one week which ended our relationship and began my credit card debt. Ever since it's been tough to find another half especially at my age.

Being 38 and single doesn't scream attractive. I'm not usually picky or even go for overtly attractive and young women but-

Ophelia however...

"It tastes great baby." I respond. She tastes the mixture herself, a warm smile spreading across her cheeks. Something about watching her suck on her finger aroused me completely.

The fantasy brought my erection to its peak. I began stroking and gliding along my length. Less aggressive than I normally would, as this thought was one I wanted to savor. The climax was worth it.


"Yes daddy?" She asks, gazing up at me the same way she did the first time we met. "What do you need?"

"I want you to unzip your dress for me."

"But Beau I'm not done baking yet-" I stop her short with a passionate kiss. She succumbs eagerly, running her hand up and down my chest; soft moans escaping in breaths.

In my sexual daydreams the woman I'm imagining doesn't care about my job or my looks, how I have a little more hair than the average man considering my Mediterranean heritage, or the occasional smell of sweat and dirt on my hands from a hard days work. I'd like to imagine Ophelia as fit as she is, wouldn't judge my "lumber jack"-esque physique.

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