Chapter 2

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 Adelaide Hollens was a strange girl. She could read for days, then write an entire story in three. Her favorite food was chocolate incased pecans, and while she was normally sweet and silent, make her angry and you would wish you were dead. All that aside, however, the girl was kind and brave and fiercely loyal. Her parents were muggle-born, which made her half-blood, but blood status was one thing she didn't care about. Instead, she sang the praises of simple things; the birds chirping, the golden late afternoon light, the green summer grass. Simple were the things in which she took delight.


Remus Lupin was different. Bitten by a werewolf when he was three, he had gone through more pain and hurt in eight years than most do in a lifetime. Still, he was kind and generous, brave and polite. He loved to read, especially after the full moon. His monthly transformations were the worst parts of his life. Aside from that, he lived with his Muggle mum and half-blood dad, Hope and Lyll Lupin. He very much wished he could go to Hogwarts, and often pretended he had received his letter and could have a shot at a normal life. The day Dumbledore became headmaster was the best day of his life.


When Adelaide and Remus met in Diagon Alley, a shift happened in the world, just as it does every time new people meet each other. They just brushed each other's hands as they picked the same book, Remus catching a glimpse of caramel brown curls, Adelaide noting a faded olive shirt before they went their separate ways. The universe is strange, however. It knew there was a story happening in the split second when the two brushed hands. It decided that Adelaide Hollens and Remus Lupin would meet again. That was the best decision the universe ever made.


Hello beautiful people! Thank you so much for deciding to read this! So, if it's bad, I'm very sorry, please tell me how to improve it. If you like it, please vote! I will try to post weekly, but I'm a human. I have a life. Don't attack me. Thank you soooo much!



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