15. Protective Instinct

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Alyssa clung onto him. She didn't want to let go of him. She cried and cried, her tears wetting the front of his hoodie.

"You're coming home with me. I have plenty of room," he continued. "I'm taking you away from this place. You're coming back where you belong. He'll never find you. I'll protect you my sweet Alyssa."

He gently stroked her back with one hand until her sobs subsided. "You should get some sleep," he said finally.

"Don't leave me," Alyssa begged. "Stay. Please."

"I'm going nowhere." He laid down, pulling Alyssa down with him, holding her closely. She rested her head and her hand on his chest. Any other time he wouldn't have been able to resist her touch. Tonight all he wanted to do was hold her and make her feel safe.

He stroked her hair, whispering reassuring words. Soon he realised she'd fallen asleep, her breathing had slowed and her body had relaxed.

He lay there thinking about what he'd said. He'd meant every word. She was coming home with him. There was no way he was letting her stay here now. He was going to take her away from this place, away from that bastard Dean. He was going to look after her. 

He knew she'd protest when she had time to think about it. He knew she'd argue but he wasn't giving her the choice.  It wasn't safe here.  She'd never be safe here.  He'd carry her off over his shoulder if he had to. Alyssa Harper was coming home with him, and that's all there was to it.


For a minute after she'd woken Alyssa had no recollection of what had happened the night before. She felt warm, sleepy and comfortable. Then she realised that her head was laid on a man's chest. She felt an arm wrapped around her, holding her tightly.

Surprisingly she didn't panic. Something about the arms around her made her feel safe, made her feel protected.

She could hear the thud, thud, thud of the man's heartbeat, could feel the warmth radiating through whatever he was wearing.

Maybe she was still asleep. Maybe this was all a dream.

It was then that she realised. It wasn't a dream. Seb had arrived in the early hours of the morning. Seb was in her bed holding her. She opened her eyes and lifted her head, looking up at him. He was still sleeping. His head had slumped to the side. His mouth was slightly open. He looked so handsome.

Then she remembered why he was there. Dean. She felt vomit rising inside her. She leapt up out of Seb's hold, jumped out of bed and ran to the wastepaper bin that was under her window. She reached it just in time. Falling to her knees, she emptied the contents of her stomach into it. She continued heaving and heaving until there was nothing left inside her to bring up.

"Hey, it's ok Aly." She hadn't heard Seb move but she felt his hand rubbing her back through her thin pyjama top. "It's ok, everything will be ok."

"It's not ok. He's back, he's not going to stop. Now he knows where I am he'll come back. Even if I go to the police....he knows people Seb, dangerous people. I was so stupid thinking I could carry on with my life. He blames me for him going to prison. He wants revenge."

"That's why you're not staying here Aly. You're leaving. Today," he declared.

Alyssa stood up and whirled around, looking at him incredulously.

"Are you mad?" she exclaimed. "Where the fuck am I going to  go? He probably knows where I fucking work as well, so he'll just find me there. I thought it was over.  It'll never be over, will it?" She was fighting her tears. She didn't want to cry in front of Seb again. She had to be strong.

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