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Full Name: Samara Faith Estacado Skyfang
Alias: Sam; Sammy; Darkling; Symphona
Birthday: March 13th
Sign: Pisces
Gender: Female
Artifacts: Darkness;Witchblade
Title: Witchblade of Darkness
Hair: Blonde
Eye: Blue-Green
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 130 lbs

Sam is born to Mackenzie and Zan Skyfang on March 13th along with her twin brother Sora. Given she was born first, she looks after her brother. At a young age, she loved baking with her mother and would sometimes be silly and shy at times. As she got older, she began developing sass and snarky attitude in which she learned from her brother.

She was given an artifact called The Witchblade during her teens. She also is intelligent and a bit of a mythology nerd. She did learn magic somehow from an unknown source as she got older. She became a skilled sorceress as she took up lessons from those her parents knew.

Upon reaching her 21st birthday, Sam experienced a painful feeling when her Darkness powers manifested. It all happened when she was in her dorm after midnight on her birthday. Sora experience this too but his wasn't as bad as hers was. He heard her screaming and literally broke the door down to hold her tightly. When she finally snapped back to normal, she cried into her brother's shoulder.

The next morning, they both went to see their parents about what they witnessed. Their mother, Mack, explained to them about what they inherited from her as it runs in her side of the family. She gave Sam and Sora a hug then told them she will do all she can to help them. Zan said he would help too.

Sam is known for her sassy and snarky attitude especially if she doesn't hesitate to stand her ground. She does have a mouth on her, but she does watch her language around her elders. She does attend Trinity Church at times to do confessions with other people as she listens to what they have to say. Her responses were bluntly honest but still saying them in a helpful way. But they thank her for her honesty.

Sam also tends to say things she doesn't mean but it often leads to different reactions or getting yelled at. In general she's a kind woman, but won't let anyone take advantage of her. She can even tell if someone is lying just by looking in their eyes and hearing how they speak. Like her mother, she has ways in finding out the truth.

Skills and Powers:
The Darkness
Summon Darklings
Cast Shadows And Trap Enemies In Them
Superhuman Strength
The Witchblade
Metal claws
Darkness Armor
Form Weapons From Both Witchblade and The Darkness
Create Blades
Skilled Marksman
Light Healing
Dark Healing
Dark Magic

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