Secret Crush? (Neo x Reader)

Start from the beginning

You remember Neo waiting for you at the airport with flowers in hand at your terminal and the look he gave you when you finally stepped out. It was the first time you felt you actually had his attention. All he could do was stare and tell you how much he missed you. Unfortunately, you never got into a relationship with Neo after that like you wanted, but it was eight years later and still neither of you had partners.

You had each other and that's all you really needed.

Neo walks back over with the pack of ice and sets it down carefully on your pulsing toes that have turned bright right. "Thanks." You murmur, taking hold of the loose ice pack. "I opened the fridge and realized we are completely out of food so I'm going to have to run to the store. You want anything specific?" He asks, turning away and walking in the direction of his bedroom. "Uh... milk honestly. I know that's a given but I love it for cereal so just make sure you get a lot."

Neo walks back out a few seconds later with shoes on and keys in hand. "Alright, lots of milk for the weirdo." You roll your eyes and pull the ice away to look at your toes. "Thanks, Neo." You grumble, watching as he nods and exits the apartment. Sighing, you set the ice pack to the side and reach out to pick up the rest of the fallen picture frames.

The next one you pick up is one of you in high school, but it's perhaps the worst picture of the two of you and you remember how much you hate this picture- that's the only reason Neo insists you keep it up. You're bent over a table with braided hair and glasses, a small screwdriver in hand as you focus over the green circuit board belonging to a computer you're restoring. And, classy as always, Neo is behind you with his tongue out and fists curled by his sides as he poses like he's thrusting into you from behind.

"Ugh!" You groan out loud, slamming it back down. You reach for the last one to pick up and your frustration quickly diminishes when you look at the picture of the two of you in middle school. It's painful to look at, sure, but it's also sweet. You stand next to Neo who has his arm wrapped around you tightly, both of you staring directly at the camera. Neo's smile is wide and silly while yours is awkward and shy- probably because you're sporting a wicked head gear wrapped around your head.

You wince a little, but look at how happy Neo is to be next to such your embarrassing self. You sigh and leave that one up, regretfully deciding to push the second one back up afterward. Rising to your feet after you feel your toes have recovered, you drop the ice pack in the sink and head to your bedroom that's right across from Neo's. You peak into his opened door and wrinkle your nose at all the scrap pieces of computer that litter his desk as well as the strewn about clothes on his floor.

You huff and turn back to your room to grab your headphones and earbuds, plugging them in and hitting shuffle on your songs as you search for the cleaning supplies in your closet. A light beat song turns on as you grab a dust rag and head over to Neo's filthy room. You try to focus on the song as your grab up the computer pieces and organize them as best as you can on his desk. It looks like he's building a computer from scratch for the millionth time and you vaguely think you can build it fast than he can.

The next song comes on, an indie one, as you pick up his clothes and begin to fold them. Some smell absolutely horrible, so you throw a few in his dirty clothes then head towards the laundry room with the basket. By the time the second song ends, you're back in his room putting the folded shirts away. Lost in the Fire by The Weeknd comes on next as you open his sock drawer to put away some socks you've snatched up from the floor.

As soon as the first line drops, you push some socks away and find yourself staring at porn magazines. "Holy shit." You gasp, dropping whatever clothes are in your hand so you can grab them. You aren't really into women, but their poses and naked bodies paired with the song you're listening to gradually make you horny. You can't recall the last time you had an orgasm, but you think now is probably the best time to do anything if you wanted to.

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