After playing the movie, you then see that the movie seems familiar to you, from how the book was shown to tell the story of Cinderella, to how the castle look, to the female narrator starting the story of the movie. Evan thought this movie is all deja vu to him as well. Despite all this, the two of you found the actors sexy and cute, with the actress who was playing Cinderella that looks like she is one of Queen Sharon's princess warriors. 

     The movie begins with Cinderella's father getting remarried when she was a little girl, which leads to having a stepmother and two stepsisters, but then he dies shorty after. After her father died scene the stepmother doesn't her stepdaughter's beauty, so she wants her to become a  maid and do the chores around the house. 

     "Poor Cindy, she feels humiliated." Evan said while watching the movie.

"I guess she doesn't like her stepmother and stepsisters." You said while watching the movie and eating popcorn.

"Me too." Evan said to you.

     The next scene is about the birds waking Cinderella up, and then she talks to the birds. This scene leads to a parody of A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes. Evan liked loved it as much as the original, and so do you. The musical number continues with the animals making her bed while she sings. After the song the mouse came to her to tell that another mouse is coming, and the other one said that the mouse is a boy. 

     "These mouse actors look like a bunch of Ivana's if she was a boy." Evan whispered to you while he saw the mice. 

"I think so too." You whispered back to him.

     The movie continues with Cinderella waking her cat, Lucifer, and her dog, Bruno,  and she then gives Lucifer the milk, but then they both mess up with each other, which leads to her taking Bruno outside. She feeds other animals breakfast, and then the mice saw that the animals are having breakfast, so they decided to get food for themselves in a silly, cartoony way. Cinderella then gives her family breakfast, then her stepsisters, Drizella and Anastasia, and her stepmother ordered her to do the laundry.

     "Oh, this feels like classic Disney." You whispered to Evan while watching those scenes.

"Exactly." Evan whispered back to you.

     While Cinderella was doing the laundry, she heard Drizella freaking out about a mouse in her teacup, and Drizella blamed Cinderella for that. Anastasia blamed Cinderella for the thing she has done, which leads to the scene where her stepmother wanted her to do all of the chores around the house.

     The movie continues with the king and the duke talking about his son would happen to be Prince Charming. After the scene about them talking about Prince Charming, another song occured while Cinderella was cleaning the floor, and it's a parody of Sing Sweet Nightingale.

     "Just like the original, this is an absolute banger." Evan whispered to you while he listened to  the song.

     After the song, Cinderella heard someone knocking the door, and it happens to be someone from the palace. The man told her that the king is inviting people to the ball in honor of Prince Charming. She then went to her family about the letter, and her stepsisters bicker about it, but then her stepmother reads it, and the letter says that a woman has to be eligible to attend ball. CInderella wants to attend, but her stepmother doesn't want her to unless she completes her all of her chores. 

     You two both felt bad for the Gothmorian Cinderella as she has to do her chores her evil stepmother is giving her. Evan thinks that the movie will still follow the same things as the original Disney classic.

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