Chapter 37 Honesty

Start from the beginning

"Don't keep running and let someone special like her slip away." Teague advised his son. "You only get one life. Don't waste it alone."

At first, Jack opened his mouth to deny everything. But instead, he examined the gleam of something he'd rarely seen in his father's eyes. Regret. And something possessed Jack to instead ask, "How's mum?"

Teague wordlessly held up a shrunken head. Jack reared back in a mix of shock and disgust, before he forced a smile.

"She looks great!"


Annalise was stripping off the ceremonial wear Sao Feng had forced her into and about to dress into something more appropriate for the fight in the morning when someone knocked on her door. Glancing down at herself, Annalise shrugged. She was decent enough, she supposed. And if a pirate tried to get a look where they shouldn't, she had her pistol still holstered on her hip.

"Come in!"

The door swung open and Annalise was surprised at her visitor.

"Lizzie." Annalise greeted slowly.

Elizabeth glanced around Annalise's new captain's cabin, fidgeting with her sleeve as she remained in the doorway. Annalise watched her sister, admittedly at a loss as to what to say. It had been a long time since the sisters had been in the same room much less had an actual conversation. Finally, Elizabeth seemed to steel herself and she looked back at Annalise.

"May I come in?" She asked hesitantly.

Annalise nodded and Elizabeth stepped inside just enough to close the door behind her.

"Did you... need something?" Annalise asked awkwardly. Elizabeth took a deep breath.

"Yes. My sister."

Annalise's brows rose as Elizabeth continued in a rush like she needed to get the words out of her, "I know what I did was wrong and I'm sorry, Lisa. I really am. And I... I'm sorry I left Jack. I know he's a good man, deep down, and I didn't make the choice to leave him to die lightly. But when it was you versus him, there just wasn't any other choice for me. I know it was wrong and it was wrong for me to lie, and I know it's hard for you to forgive me, but I don't want to go into tomorrow still fighting."

Her eyes searched Annalise's beseechingly, her fear evident. They couldn't guarantee anything when morning came and Annalise knew Elizabeth was right: there was every chance they would die. But knowing one thing with one's head was different from feeling in one's heart. And it was hard to let go of the resentment that had built against her sister, especially as of late. But Annalise couldn't forget James's face in those last moments before they'd said goodbye forever. Against all odds, he had betrayed all he'd stood for; what he had once betrayed them all for. And he'd done it because they were family. Because it was worth more to fall side by side than go one more day standing on opposite sides.


Elizabeth's face crumpled as the word escaped Annalise's tight throat. But hope quickly returned to the blonde's face as Annalise continued more strongly.

"It's not hard to forgive you, not anymore. And I... I agree. I'd rather not go into tomorrow fighting you. I'd rather we went fighting side by side."

Elizabeth smiled, small and faint but still a smile.

"I'd like that." Elizabeth murmured. She hesitantly reached out toward Annalise. Annalise went into Elizabeth's embrace as willingly as Elizabeth went into her twin's, and Annalise sighed as she felt her sister's familiar touch once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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