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The sound of Laurie Strode's screams coming from your tv drowned out the sound of your aunt calling you from downstairs. "Y/n, I have been calling you for the last five minutes!" Your aunt shrieked.

"Sorry, didn't hear you. What's wrong?" You asked, pausing the movie so she had your full attention.

She sent you an apologetic smile before speaking up, "Steve Orth and Casey Becker were murdered tonight."

Your mouth dropped at the news, "What?!" you shrieked, "How– When?"

"Around twenty minutes ago. Tatum's mom just called and told me," She replied.

"Could I... Could I just have a minute?" You asked. Your aunt nodded before shutting the door.

You were at a loss for words. It was only a month ago that you and Steve were dating. Things were fine between the two of you, which is why it came as such a shock when you found out he was cheating on you with none other than Casey Becker.

And now the both of them were dead. It was weird, but it just had to be a coincidence... right?

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