
Next morning Devangana walked into the boss' cabin with his coffee; with milk and sugar ofcourse.

She knocked on the door and entered when she heard a firm come in.

"Good morning, Sathvik ji," she greeted him as she placed his coffee on the desk.

"Good morning, Deva." Sathvik greeted back with a smile.

Devangana looked at him surprised.

Nobody ever calls her Deva. She is Angana in short.

"Uh. Everyone calls me Angana." Devangana said with a smile.

"Why? Deva suits you more." Sathvik said as he went through another file.

He missed the blush that crept up her cheeks.

Devangana looked around and noticed that baby Muskaan was awake and was playing in a playpen placed near the couch.

"She seems happy today." Devangana commented.

"Why? Do you want to dance, Deva?" Sathvik teased her.

"Oh no!!" Devangana shook her head in horror.

Devangana walked towards the playpen and kneeled down beside her.

"Hello pari. How are you? Do you remember me?" Devangana asked in a babyish voice.

Muskaan stared at the women curiously trying to remember where she had seen her.

Muskaan held the boundaries of the playpen and stood up when she remembered it was the woman who danced for her a few days before.

She had also seen the woman coming in and out of the room she stays in.

"Up up," Muskaan asked, raising her hands to be picked up.

Devangana happily picked her up and gave her a loud kiss on the little girl's cheek earning a giggle in return.

"Go go," Muskaan said, pointing her fingers towards the door.

"Go where?" Devangana asked with a frown.

"Go..." Came the demanding response again.

Sathvik was watching them with a smile on his face.

"Seems like she got bored sitting in the playpen and looking at my face the whole day, Deva." Sathvik said with a chuckle.

"Shall I take her out for a walk around the floor?" Devangana asked expectantly.

"Sure. If you don't mind," Sathvik said.

"Not at all. Come on, pari. Say bye to mamu." Devangana said.

Muskaan raised her hand in a wave.

"Bye-bye, Sathee," she said and Sathvik groaned as he heard that silly name.

"Sathvik Mamu." Sathvik ordered softly.

"Sathee," Muskaan repeated with a mischievous giggle, enjoying irritating her uncle. Devangana laughed along with Muskaan.

"Deva," Sathvik called in a warning tone.

"Debaa," Muskaan repeated and Devangana made a face and it was Sathvik's turn to laugh.

"Serves you right," Sathvik said with a chuckle.

Devangana walked out of the cabin with Muskaan in her arms.

Muskaan waved happily at the employees around making them all smile at her cuteness.

"Down down," Muskaan asked Devangana to let her down.

Devangana placed Muskaan down and she wobbled on her chubby little legs towards the aquarium kept at the corner of the floor.

Muskaan climbed on the couch below the aquarium and tried to reach for the aquarium. She raised on her toes and extended her arms in an attempt to touch the aquarium on the wall. But it was too high for her.

She tried again and again, but started getting frustrated as she failed multiple times.

Devangana was watching on with amusement, but was caught off guard when Muskaan threw herself on the couch and started hitting the couch angrily.

She rushed to the kid and picked her up high enough for her to touch the aquarium.

"Pari, look at the fish." Devangana pointed at the aquarium, trying to change her focus from crying.

"Ishh..." Muskaan squealed happily, touching the aquarium and patting it gently and happily. 


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