All the Rajni fans – Thalaiva

Don't miss the chance – Who's This!

Lungi dance, lungi dance

Lungi dance, lungi dance."

Devangana sang, doing the lungi dance steps with her dupatta and the baby stopped crying seeing the weird things the lady in front of her was doing.

Sathvik was walking back to his cabin when he saw Saumya.

"Saumya? You left Muskaan alone? I told you to keep an eye on her."

"She is not alone, Sathvik. Devangana is with her. I had to come out as there was an emergency." Saumya said apologetically.

"Who is Devangana?"

"She is our new errand girl. She just joined two days ago." Saumya said.

"You left Muskaan with a total stranger?" Sathvik asked, disappointed at his secretary.

"Devangana won't cause the baby any harm." Saumya said confidently.

"I will go and check," Sathvik said and hurried to his cabin.

He opened the door and stood there gaping at the sight.

"All the Rajni fans – Thalaiva

Don't miss the chance – Who's This!

Lungi dance, lungi dance

Lungi dance, lungi dance."

A petite girl was doing some weird dance steps and baby Muskaan was wide awake in her bassinet staring at the sight in front of her in wide eyed wonder.

"What the!!" Was all he could say.

Devangana stopped her dance as soon as she noted the presence of a man in the cabin.

"I didn't make her cry. I swear." She said, pinching her throat lightly.

"She cried??" He asked in worry.

"A little bit." She said showing her index finger and thumb holding it showing how little.

Baby Muskaan looked between the two people in the room and realising her entertainment had come to an end let out an ear splitting wail.

"It's you. Not me." Devangana washed her hands off any involvement in the baby's crying.

Sathvik shook his head in disbelief and hurried to his niece.

He took her in his arms and rocked her trying to calm her.

But baby Muskaan's eyes were on the woman in front of her.

'Why is she looking at me? Is she trying to let her papa know that I woke her up with my chattering?' Devangana wondered in worry.

"Okay then. It's time for me to go." Devangana said in a hurry and rushed to the door.

"Stop stop," Sathvik called her back.


"You said she cried before, right?"

"Only a little."

"Fine. Little. And she stopped crying when you danced for her?"

"Yes," Devangana said proudly.

"Great. Now dance," he said.

"What?" Devangana screeched. It's one thing to dance crazily in front of a little baby. It is totally different to dance in front of a strange man.

Baby Muskaan didn't like someone screeching louder than her and she in turn increased the volume of her wail.

"Hush hush..." Sathvik rocked her again.

"Please dance. I don't know how to make her stop," Sathvik pleaded and Devangana took pity on him and danced her lungi dance steps again.

As soon as Devangana started dancing, Muskaan stopped her wailing as if someone turned the switch off.

"Wow. It's working. Keep on dancing," Sathvik said and Devangana glared at him.

"I am tired. I will hold her. You dance for a while." Devangana said and swiftly took the baby from him leaving him gaping at her.

"Me? Dance?" Sathvik asked in horror.

The baby wailed again and Sathvik hurried and did some dance. But the baby kept crying.

"She likes the other song. Dance for that." Devangana said excitedly.

The baby fell asleep after a while.

Sathvik and Devangana sighed in relief.

"Thanks! For help.I don't know how I would have managed alone." Sathvik said in gratitude.

"Where is your wife??" Devangana asked casually. 


Here goes the next shot..

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