Chapter Two

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Chapter Two - Start Again

"Now, the homework for this week will be a project." The room fills with sighs as Mr Watson announces our weekend music homework.
"Will we get to pick who we work with?" Someone on the front row raises their hand and asks a question I know all of us are eager to know the answer to.
"No. I have a list here, I've paired you with someone who I think you'll work well with," he smirks as the wave of sighs starts again.
"I hope we get put together!" My friend, Felicity leans closer to me and whispers.
"Me too, I don't wanna be stuck with one of the boys, I'll have to do all the work!" I laugh before Mr Watson glares at me for talking over him.
"This is exactly why I won't be putting anyone with their friends, Miss Thompson." I turn to Felicity and roll my eyes playfully, thankfully Mr Watson is too busy finding a piece of paper on his desk - which I can only assume is the list of pairs.
"Right. Starting off with Felicity Ashcroft and Carl Townsend." Felicity frowns but looks over to her partner and fakes a smile.
"Alex Costello and Mary Seville."
I listen and perk up when Sam's name is mentioned, praying for the sake of my embarrassing hormones that I don't get paired with him.
"Sam Fender with..." I take a deep breath, "Isabella Thompson," I shakily let out the breath as I make eye contact with the icy cold ones of Sam Fender.

"You'll be writing a song together, and then performing it in Tuesday's lesson, so make sure you meet with your partner outside of school at least once," the teacher explains after he's announced all the pairs, then he dismisses us for lunch.

I make sure to wait for everyone but Sam to leave the room as he usually leaves last.
"Hey," I smile, perching on the desk infront of where he's stood.
"Hi. I can meet after my job interview later. I'll come to yours if that's okay," he speaks and I nod, pleased that he actually wants to put effort into a piece of school work.
"Sure, you can use one of Dean's many guitars so don't worry about going home first."
"See you later," he waves and walks off to find Dean and Drew in the school field, while I find Felicity sat with Sophie in the canteen.

"Hi!" Sophie perks up as I sit at the table, looking up from her lunch, "I heard you got put with Fender for your project," she winks.
"We both know you're bursting with joy inside," Felicity giggles, I feel my cheeks heating up as they catch on, "Oh my God! You do like him!" She cheers, playfully hitting my shoulder.
"You need to dress up nicely for tonight!" Soph advises, I stick my middle finger up at her.
"It's not a date, Sophie! It's a project for music," I clear the air, these two knew how to tease me effectively. But maybe they were right, maybe I should dress nicely, show off to him for once. Although he probably wouldn't be interested in me that way, so what's the point.

I meet up with Dean outside the front of the school at the end of the day and we walk back home together, Sam heading off for his job interview.
"So, Sam tells me you two are writing a song together," he raises his eyebrows at the thought of Sam and I working together.
"Yeah. Watson paired us together because apparently we'd work well together," I groan and Dean lets out a deep laugh.
"He's not bad, mind. There's worse people you could be paired with!" Dean exclaims, "What is it with you and Sam by the way? You don't seem to be getting along like you did a few years ago." Has Dean noticed something? Does he know I have the hots for his best friend? He can't, surely. That's impossible.
"I don't know what you mean," I cover myself, "Why? Has Sam said something?"
"No, you two just seem like you never want to be around each other." That bastard, Sam's obviously told my brother that he hates me. I have an acceptable reason for not wanting to hang out with Sam - I have feelings for hum that could wreck Dean and I's relationship. My brother is the most important person to me and I can't bear hurting him or going against his rules.
"Well, have fun. And let me know how Sam's interview went, I'm off to Drew's," Dean gives me a short hug before disappearing around the corner, leaving me to walk the last street on my own.

I get in and rush upstairs to get changed out of my smart wear, into a much comfier outfit - black leggings with a white tee, over which I pull on an oversized white hoodie and a denim jacket. I make sure the guitars are all tuned and ready before waiting for Sam.

Sam arrives about 20 minutes later and I let him in when the doorbell rings. He's changed into some baggy blue jeans and a white tee which hangs off his lanky torso.
"Hi, Sam," he pushes past me and I lead him into the guitar room, where we sit on opposite sofas.
"How'd the interview go?" I start the small talk as he takes his shoes off, putting them by the door.
"I got the job! I start next Thursday!" He grins, bursting with confidence at his own success which makes me smile.

We talk through what kind of song we should go for and both end up agreeing on the topic of starting the world again.
"So, let's make a mind map of things in the world that are failing us," I laugh, putting a piece of paper between us and handing Sam a pen. Surprisingly, we don't argue once.

After about an hour and a half, we have a verse and the chorus figured out. Sam used a few ideas from a book which he'd read recently, I didn't know he liked to read so it shocked me to hear him explain the plot and theme.

"Let's try what we've got so far," the lanky boy picks up a guitar, I watch, almost in awe, as his biceps contract and the veins on his lower arms appear. I swallow harshly and shake my head, to knock the thoughts out of my mind.

"Let's start again," I sing as he begins to opening guitar riff of our song, "the embryonic world, all the books are bruned, we'll have to relearn, everything." I glance over at Sam who looks directly back at me, his plump lips in a small snile, listening to me as I sang.

"Great! Your singing is beautiful." He stops playing after we finish the chorus and claps his hands together. I flick my eyes down to the floor, trying not to show my face - sure that I was blushing madly. Without me noticing, he creeps over, places a long finger under my chin and lifts my head up to see his. The crystal, blue orbs examine my eyes, fracturing into my soul as it seemed.
"You're well cute when you blush," he mutters, his minty breath fanning my face before a door slams shut, retracting him away.
"I'm back!" Dean.


Hello people!! I didn't add an author's note to the first chapter because I didn't know if this would get anywhere lol. 20 views in the first 2 days is not baaaddd! thank you so much for reading, if you could leave feedback it would be greatly appreciated :)
mia <3

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