You want so badly for him to be inside you, want him to fill you- to claim you so deep he can't be washed out. Pain lances through you sharp and brutal: His teeth lock onto your shoulder exactly where he'd broken skin two nights ago. You whimper- and he drives harder against your palm.

That's right. He likes hearing you. It doesn't come naturally- vocality not something you do for yourself. Your nails scratch lightly across his shoulders, your voice trembles. "Michael."

His teeth dig in hard, though not nearly as much as before, but the damage is already done. It takes so little for the scabs to rip open. You give a strained "Ah!" and warmth trickles over your chest. In pain you tighten your hand around him-

A noise slips past his lips- he bites down and down until tears stream over your cheeks. His hips stutter, his cock throbs between you. A wet heat spills over your hand, staining into your shirt. His jaw does not unclench the entire time, his hands spasm around you, nails biting into your skin in on and off waves in time with tiny staccato jerks of his hips.

He relaxes slowly, the tension ebbing out in a slow crawl until he's dislodged himself from your shoulder and laps at the fresh blood on your chest. You mewl, can't contain yourself at the soothing press of his tongue to your wounds- even if he was the one to cause them. Michael sighs and you can just barely see enough of his face to know he's closed his eyes. The heat in your core is unbearable, you manage to steal your hand back from under Michael's weight.

It's shameful. You can't stop yourself. Your hand shakes and you can't even bother to wipe off his release. Your shorts are easy to push aside- the thought of how easy it would've been, if he'd only been a little more aware, a little less fever-hazed. Your breathing shudders, it would take so little to set you off now. You just need something to touch you, to rub your clit just a little-

Your fingers delve into your underwear. You're soaking, hot and wanting- your fingers swirl into the wetness and drag it up to your swollen, hard clit. The first touch is electric, sparks flying behind your eyes and you're so, so close from so little-

And that's as far as you get.

One large hand curls around your wrist in warning. You whine, lift your hips as much as you can with Michael's weight on you. "Michael, please, please..."

He drags your hand out. He leans away from your neck. There's blood smeared around his mouth and you hate that he looks so good with red staining his beard. His eyes are cold and unreadable, still dazed with fever which brings a pinkness to his cheeks that matches his own.

He holds up your hand and it glistens in the morning light- the tips of your fingers covered in your own translucent arousal, Michael's more opaque cum smeared across the back of your hand and dripping down your forearm.

He stares you down, but you can't understand what he wants from you, can hardly think of anything except the incessant heat between your legs. Your hips lift and writhe under him, desperate for release, but he does not move, does not even notice the futile struggle beneath him. He brings your hand forward without looking, never even lays eyes on it- and his tongue, soft and shiny wet, slips between his swollen lips.

He steals the air from your lungs, leaves you gasping as he licks your fingertips. Your hand twitches involuntarily and you feel the tiny bumps of his taste buds, how the muscle curls around your finger entirely, his mouth dropping open to suck on your index finger. He doesn't look away, holds you in place through it all-

His eyes waver, sliding out of focus once. His head bobs to the side and startles back up. You should be concerned, but you're just too aroused. Humiliation and desperation the only things you can focus on- the thick knot pulled tighter below your navel. He knows. One corner of his mouth lifts, his eyes flashing with a sadistic light- he knows you won't try it again. You're too good, too obedient- and you want to beg again, find exactly what words he wants you to say,

Rest For the Wicked [Michael Myers x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now