The Prank Call Diary's

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Let me tell you a few things about my self. First things first I'm the best liar ever (this comes in handy when your prank calling). I love the feeling of tricking someone! Over the period of my life I have prank called thousands of people. I hope every one knows *67 also I hope to inspire y'all to prank call people too!

" The Justice Call Part One"

This call started on Mardi Gras, my friends Dallas, Chase, Angie, Kassandra, Jessie decided that we should prank call some one! So we all decided on this guy named Noah! Let me tell you something about Noah he loves me this guy went to extremes to try to get me to be his girlfriend (the only way that would happen is in a parallel universe), so I thought it was fair that since he bothered me I would cause him some trouble! Hehe! So we called him and we were like:

"Hey babe" Chase

" Who is this?" Said Noah

" Justice J" replied Dallas

*Justice is a really popular girl on the dance team at another school!

"How do u know me?" Noah

" I love you and I know that you live in Commander Village" Chase

* Chase rides his bus so were not stalkers!

"Who else is on the phone?" Noah

" Sara, Nina, Madison, Ella, Kelsey, and Nia." Me

" I don't know you!" Noah

" Yes, you do sexy!" Chase

" I love you so much" Dallas

That's when he hung up! We called 3 more times on Chases phone and had similar conversations each time! Next thing you know he asked if I called him I said no! The next day at school we were in Algebra and he said " Does anyone know a Justice" Four people say yes! Then he goes over to Madison and Nina and says you guys know her! I was about to burst out in laughter because they had no clue about the prank call! Their faces were priceless! Later I clued them in on what was happening and they agreed to play along. So later that we at lunch he comes over to Madison and Nina and is like "Does Justice really like me?" Nina and Madison reply "Yes!" Noah said " Oh I thought it was a joke?" Nina said " No she really likes you!" At this point I'm about to die in laughter but I manage to stuff some crackers down my throat to keep silent!

When he stopped pestering us with questions and left", we all burst out laughing! That is what has happened so far tomorrow I am having a sleep over with Madison and Nina and we are planning for " Justice" to give her lover a call! Oh and my stupid sister told his little brother it was here but if he tells he's going to get a beating from my sister! Not really she will probably fart near him which is punishment enough! Trust me I have smelled her bombs!

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