78 | Combined gifs tutorial

Start from the beginning

2. After you tap the '+' button, it leads to here and you can tap Uploads → Videos → Upload Media to upload the gifs you want to use in the graphic. It's better if you choose the ones with colours that can mix/blend easily. You'll understand what I mean in the next few steps.


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3. Upload and drag your gifs. Make sure it's like um, properly lined? You can crop the gifs of course. You can also rotate the gifs horizontaly, vertically or put the other above or behind the other until you think they are placed the way you want them to be.


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4. Now again, tap Uploads → Images → Upload media. ALL RIGHT LISTEN: yall see the weird transparented pngs with weird uneven opacity that I uploaded here? You'll need them. This is why you need Picsart or other alternative application of it. Wattpad has limited images you can put in one chapter so I'll explain by words the things you gotta do with Picsart here.

- open the app
- tap on a transparent background (picsart provide it so)
- pick any colour or image with the colours you think can be used to blend the edges of the two gifs you placed. in my case, I need like light brown and white so yeah.
- after that, use the eraser function (you can adjust the eraser's opacity, hardness & size) to make it seem weirdly uneven and like blending ?#/_? like how my pngs up there look like.
- save the results.

and then you upload them to Canva.

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