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The day started as no other. Each house separated from each other, the golden trio- Harry James Potter, Hermione Jean Granger and Ronald Billius Weasley- stay close together in Gryffindor. His sister, on the other hand, Zoe Lillian Potter sat with her mate Draco Lucius Malfoy and their friends in Slytherin.

They all decided to repeat their final year after the war, so that they could get the NEWTs for their chosen field. Harry and Ron would be their NEWTs so that they could be entered into Auror training, Hermione want to work in the Ministry- more specifically Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures and the Department of Magical Law Enforcement- Zoe wanted to be the new Headmistress of Hogwarts, she wanted to change the school for the better but she had to earn it, be a professor first, she wanted to be a potioneer and be a potion professor just like her godfather Severus Snape, and Draco- despite his wealth- wanted to become a professor, an Arithmancy professor.

The students were enjoying their lunch and discussions with their peers, when a bright light blinded them all. When the bright light disappeared, in its place stood a large group of people.

"What on earth?" Headmistress Minerva McGonagall whispered. She recognised a small portion of the group. But it couldn't be, could it?

"Jamie, where are we?" A young girl's voice said. She had red hair which reached her shoulders and bright green eyes.

"I don't know." Two voices came out. Two male voices. Both similar in looks, both had messy black hair and brown eyes.

"Did it work?" a platinum blonde hair male asked. He looks like Draco – Zoe thought.

"Let's see..." One of the black-haired males said, looking around.

"It worked." The platinum blonde male said, looking at Zoe. "I think we should do introductions and give an explanation to our existence right now." He said looking at all the confused faces. "Do you guys want to go first or should we?" He asked the other group.

"We'll go first. I'm Lily Evans." Zoe and Harry's eyes widen at the sight of a young version of their mother.

"James Potter."

"Sirius Black"

"Remus Lupin."

"Severus Snape."

"Regulus Black."

"Lucius Malfoy."

"Narcissa Malfoy."

"Barty Crouch Jr."

"Arthur Weasley."

"Molly Weasley."

Then looks moved over to the other group. "We'll tell you are names and parents."

"Scorpius Malfoy." He looked around, as if he was looking for something. "There is supposed to be one other person, my sister Jean Malfoy. Our parents are Zoe Potter and Draco Malfoy" A small pop sound was made above Zoe and Draco, Zoe looked up and saw a small child falling. She held out her arms and taught the small child – a small girl.

"There is a child in my arms." Zoe stated looking at the young girl, with wide eyes, who had pink hair and green eyes.

"Yes, yes there is." Draco agreed, with wide eyes, looking at the child.

"Found Jean." Scorpius pointed at the young girl.

"Mummy!" The young girl – Jean – cried when she looked up to see her (future) parents.

"Albus Severus Potter. This is my older brother James Sirius Potter and my young sister Lily Luna Potter. our parents are Ginerva Weasley and Harry Potter."

"You gave your son, the name of a manipulative bastard and the name of MY godfather who by the way, you hated! YOU HAD NO RIGHT!" Zoe stood in anger, staring Harry down. He had no response but before she could anything worse, Draco pulled her into arms to cool her down.

"He didn't." Albus Severus interrupted. Both Potters looked at the young boy.

"What do you mean?" Zoe asked.

"I don't live with them." Albus refused to look at Harry, he only looked at Zoe and Draco. Zoe saw this, she walked up to him and tilted his head to look at her in the eyes.

"What do you mean?" Zo asked, softly.

"I'm not a Gryffindor like the perfect son. I'm a Slytherin." Albus said. "Because of that he kicked me out and I went straight to you, you gave me your godfather's name as a middle name and you're in the process of fully adopting me and changing my first name." Tears began to fill both Albus' and Zoe's eyes. Not responding, she pulled Albus into a tight hug.

"Harry wouldn't treat his son like that he." Ginny defended Harry.

"Of course, you would defend him." Albus scoffed. "You do the same as him."

"Why are you here?" Zoe asked after she cooled down. Her curiosity overpowered her current emotions.

"We were hoping to get answers since you guys in the future never told us the truth." James Sirius said looking at his father. "Then Albus had the idea that if we brought the people from the past with us then maybe we could change the future and saved the people who were unnecessarily lost."

"How will you do that?" James asked his future grandson.

"By showing everyone what has happened in the past 7 years." A small blue light appeared, and 8 small boxes fell on Draco's lap. They were movies. With the title: Harry and Zoe Potter. Draco read the title aloud.

A screen appeared at the Great Hall doors, the tables transformed into sofas and a long table with food and snacks appeared in front of them. The future children sat with their parents and the past sat with their children, Severus, Lucius, Narcissa and Regulus sat with Draco and Zoe, James, Lily, Remus and Sirius sat with Harry. It hurt Zoe to see them all sitting with Harry with no hesitation, seeing this, Draco wrapped his arms around her, to provide her with comfort. Words appeared on the screen.

Harry and Zoe Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

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