Nik grinned back, nerves slightly ebbing. He nodded, "Okay. I trust you."

          The simple combination of the three words sounded like a bigger deal coming from himㅡfrom him, the deadliest creature the supernatural community feared, the hybrid that could and would kill in a heartbeat. To trust a person was so sacred to him, after having so many peopleㅡfamily members and strangers and friendsㅡturn their backs on him. He had issues when it came to trusting other people; but she was not other people.

          This was Rosalie. He knew that she would always have his trust.

          She smiled at his honest statement, warmth rushing through her veins. They held eye contact for a few moments, the intimate affair disrupted by the front door opening. It was sudden, nearly causing Rosalie to jump out of her skin in shock.

          "There you are!" Mrs Monet cheered, ignoring the startled look on her daughter's face and wrapping her in a tight hug. "Oh, I really missed you so much. Though, I am upset you didn't bring Fijiㅡit's okay, I forgive you."

          Nik suppressed a laugh at the sight of Rosalie's baffled gaze, feeling amused at the mother-daughter interaction.

          "Thank you...?" Rosalie frowned, her statement sounding more like a question. "It's only been a few days, Mom. I would've brought him along, but I didn't want to put him through the stress of flying. Poor thing was traumatized on our way to New O. Cami's probably having a blast with him as we speak."

          The blonde hummed, her gaze landing on Nik, who was quietly observing the reunion a few steps away from Rosalie. She brightened, "And who is this young fellow? You didn't tell me about a boyfriend, Roㅡ"

           "Mom, this is my friend Nik." The brunette wasn't fazed at the assumption, already knowing how her mother could be. She raised her eyebrows at her daughter's response, unconvinced. The said man stepped forward, offering a hand, "Hello, Mrs Monet. I'm Nik, the friend. It's a pleasure to meet you, thank you for having me."

          He had a shy smile playing on his lips, and the blonde shook his hand. "The pleasure's all mine," Mrs Monet smiled. "We're happy to have you, please come in."

          Rosalie and Nik entered the house, the scent of baked goods filling their senses. Mrs Monet latched on to her daughter's upper arm, smiling dreamily, "He's hot, you should date him."

          "Mom!" The brunette was scandalized, murmuring an apology to the amused Mikaelson at her side. But the matriarch wasn't deterred, she looked at him, "You can call me Julianna, you know. Or we can skip the 'Welcome To The Family' party, and you can call me Mom, theㅡ"

          "Okay, that's enough." Rosalie started walking to the kitchen, supporting her mother along the way while Nik followed closely, muffling his laughter. The eldest Monet sister sent him a playful glare, causing him to smile more.

          The eldest Monet grunted lightly, trying to keep her mother walking properly. "How many drinks have you had, honestly? I'm guessing Aunt Cait and Grandma arrived."

          "Ha!" the blonde grinned. "How'd you know that? My daughter is so smart..."

          "It doesn't take a genius to figure it out, Mom. It's quite obvious when alcohol is involved."

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