Ch 1- Marianne

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I woke up. My eyes flutter open. I'm in a meadow. I sit up and rub at my eyes. Where am I? How did I get here? More importantly, who am I? I'm here, alive, but no recollection of anything. My head hurt. I see a little green leather journal. I see inside were stories. A quote read, "My friend Josephine and I have met yet the finest gentleman in town. He goes by the name of Sir Joel Ognay." The date read September 3, 1790. Why did I have this? What is this? I go to the front page. Written in it was a name, Marianne. No last name. Just Marianne. I guess my name is Marianne then. I get up. I walk and walk, not knowing where I was or how I got here. I just was here.

The day came and went. It was soon night and with nowhere to sleep I had to keep moving. I didn't know how much the temperature would drop. My feet hurt so bad. Where was I!? I see something in the distance. A...a light? My eyesight blurs. I'm coming close to a house. I see someone in the yard. I can't see much more. Everything in my body goes numb. My mind goes black.

I wake up in a bedroom. I'm laying in a small, twin bed. A woman is next to me, putting a wet rag on my forehead. "Where...where am I?" I ask. "Why dear. Your in Gattsville. It's a small town. Nobody's ever heard of it." I nod, "What year?" That's funny. I don't even know why I ask. She responds, "Why, it's 2013. January 5th. Are you okay?" My head hurt. My limbs ached. I'm not okay. "I'm fine." I lie. Why did I have the urge to lie? I get up, but with great difficulty. I see blue all over the walls. There were drawings, drawn by a five year old by the looks of it. "What's your name, dear?" I respond, "Marianne." "Okay Marianne. Can you remember anything? You seem confused. Where do you live?" My head swirls with the exact same questions, "I...I'm not sure. I do remember one thing...a name." The lady nods, "Well, out with it." Geez why does she wanna know, but she's the only one I can talk to so I say, "David." The woman's face seems to recognize the name, "Well what a coincidence! My son's name is David. Strange." We hear the door open. The lady says, "Well, speak of the devil." We hear a voice, "Ma! Brought home some fried chicken!" The lady helps me walk downstairs. There were two people down there, a little boy and a boy who looks like the same age as me. The little boy looks at me intently, "Ma? Whose the girl?" He says it as if he doesn't like me, or at least girls in general. The lady says, "Bobby! Where's your manners? This young lady is Marianne, she'll be staying here for the time being." I'm gonna stay? The older boy says, "Fine by me. I'm David by the way." He extends his hand, I gladly take it. "Hello." David. The only name I remember. He looks at me closely. I'm sorta creeped out, but he seems familiar. How? I smell food. Food! My stomach growls. The lady says, "Oh you must be hungry! You can call me Mrs. Kilroy. Let's fix you up with some food, shall we?" We walk into the kitchen. In there, I smell a good sensation. Food. I sit down and chow on some chicken wings. I eat about three pieces. David says, "Well someone's hungry." Mrs. Kilroy says, "Well Dave. When I first found you, you had an even bigger appitite." David looks down at his plate, as if saying he didn't want me to know he was found like me. Mrs. Kilroy continues, "Well Marianne. I guess you have amnesia." I nod. I guess I do. David gets up, "I'm gonna be in my room." He walks away. Why does he look sad? I just continue to eat my food. After, Mrs. Kilroy shows me the guest bedroom, I was previously in Bobby's room. The room had yellow painted walls. The bed had a white frame and three pillows on top. It was beautiful, considering how small the house actually was. I realize where the book was! I look frantically, "You looking for this I presume?" Mrs. Kilroy has my journal, "Don't worry, I would never look through your personal things. I found it next to you. I thought it was yours." She hands it to me. I hold it closely to my chest. I don't know why. It's probably my only way of knowing my past. I put it on the nightstand next to me. I feel far too tired to read the book, so I just fall asleep

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