Chapter 1

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The picture above ^^^^  is of Jesse


I came back from my job exhausted and wanted nothing but to go to sleep.  But I couldn't do that because I had to go right back out to get Johnny and Jackson from football practice at their school.  I lived on campus, at the University that I was attending, with my 3 brothers, but Jesse had a separate apartment from the one I shared with Johnny and Jackson.  I might have asked Jesse to pick them up but he wasn't feeling well so I didn't want to take the chance.

So I changed into my football stuff and brought the remanding stuff I needed with me as well because I had to go after I picked them up and dropped them off at the apartment.  So I got to their school and they got in the car and the first thing out of Johnny's mouth was,

"Do you have practice tonight?"

And I chuckled and said "Yes I do so you can hang out at the apartment while I'm gone, and don't leave unless I give you permission to."

And they sighed in unison and said,"Okay."

So I went to the university and made it 10 minutes late which is good time for me.  The coach smiled and said,

"Summer your late again." In a teasing voice. And I said,

"I know, but not much this time, I made pretty good timing."  He chuckled and I got into the drill we were running.


I woke up to my alarm the next morning and went through my morning routine, and then woke Johnny and Jackson up for school and then made breakfast.  I said,

"Hurry up your food is getting cold." An then I heard Jackson yell for me and abandoned the food at the table and ran into the room they shared.  I asked Jackson,

"What seems to be the problem."  Jackson said,

"I woke up and got ready and when I noticed he wasn't getting up I knew something was wrong and saw how bad he looks."  And I say,

"Okay here is what is going to happen, you are going to call the university and tell them that my brothers are ill, and then I will drive you to school, and then go to the hospital with Johnny and Jesse."  So he did that while I got Johnny to the couch then went and got Jesse.  We hauled them both out to my car and then I took off to the school and dropped Jackson off.

I sped to the hospital and checked them in and then went to a private waiting room that they gave me because I was here so much.  I took my phone out and texted my soccer, football, and cheerleading coaches that I wouldn't make it to practices because my brothers were ill.  I fell asleep after that from being so tired.

You see I had scholarships for soccer, football, bowling, basketball, baseball, and even track.  I also had some scholarship for my music and my academics.  I had so many scholarships because it payed for me and Jesse to go to college here.  And then I kept 2-3 jobs to pay for bills, essentials, and other things.

I worked really hard to make sure especially Jackson and Johnny could do what they wanted without worrying about expenses. I wanted to make sure they had a relatively or even slightly normal childhood.  As normal as their childhood could be with the whole gang situation my parents got entangled in.  But Johnny and Jackson didn't know that so Jesse and I never talk about it, at least around them.

Except the gang didn't only murder my parents they wanted to take me as a prize too.  Not the best situation for me.  But they only wanted me, seeing how I'm the only sister in the family.  They threatened me so I only had one choice, and it was to keep my remaining family safe.


I woke up when a nurse came in to tell me how the tests went with Jesse and Johnny.  She told me that they didn't have a seizure but had fallen ill, and I fought the urge to roll my eyes because I could have told her that.  I thanked her then went to the room that they shared because I couldn't afford one room much less two.

I stayed with them until I had to go pick Jackson up.  I got out of my car and walked up to meet Jackson and I asked,

"Did you get Johnny's work?"  And he nodded and we both got in the car.  I drove to the university to get the work that Jesse and I had missed during classes.  And I ran into one of my best friends James and he said,

"Hey do you want me to come with you?" And I said,

"Yeah thanks so much James."  And he pulled me into a hug and took my stuff to carry.  I would have argued but I didn't have the strength.  I said,

"I have to go to work so do you think that you could watch Jackson until I get off and then Wanda will watch him."  (Wanda is a nurse that I'm really close to who works in the hospital.  She loves all four of us, and is practically like our mom when we are there.)  He said,

"Yeah of course, but I don't feel comfortable leaving you especially because you look like shit and are barely functioning." I sighed and said,

"Yeah I guess I would rather have you with me, I will get Wanda to watch him until I'm off work.  And then if you want you can sleep over, and we can invite Eli over as well."  (Eli is my other best friend) He smiled and said in a real high girly voice,

"You know it."

*6 hours later*

I was so exhausted as I finished my shift, I had told James to go pick up Jackson and take him back to the apartment 3 hours ago.  So I drove back and slowly walked up to my floor and opened the door.  I smiled as I saw all 3 boys on the coach playing Call of Duty and I yelled out,

"Hey, are you scared I'm going to beat all your asses again!"  And they paused the game and turned back to me with a pout and Eli said,

"You know it babe." And I smiled and ran over to the couch and stretched across all three guys as they took up the coach.   I had my head laying in James' lap and my feet in Jackson's as Eli handed me a controller.  As I predicted I beat them and they pouted over dramatically as I just smiled at them in return.  I looked up at James and asked,

"What did you order for dinner?"  And he looked down at me and said,

"We ordered pizza, it's in the fridge."  I got up and said thank you over my back as I was warming the pizza up.  I sat at the island as I watched them as they were still playing the Xbox.  I smiled and ate my pizza silently enjoying the carefree environment.   I finished my pizza, and walked back over to where they were sitting and I stretched out across them as I watched them finish their game.  After it was over Jackson got up and went to bed which left James, Eli, and I.  I was deadbeat tired so I got up to leave, but James pulled me back down onto the couch.  He said, "We know you have to work 2-3 jobs, and have to play multiple sports to go to college, but you need to slow down and care for yourself, Not only are Eli and I worried, but your brothers and others.... so please take care of yourself."

I looked down at my hands and fought tears back because I knew they were right, but I couldn't let go of any of my jobs, and I needed to play every sport to pay for the tuition.  I knew that keeping these hours was slowly killing me, but that was my life.  I couldn't bring myself to say anything, so I just stayed silent.  They took this as a hint and James picked me up and carried me to my bed.  As he set me down on the bed and went to get my pajamas, and as he handed me them I said, "Can you and Eli stay in here with me tonight?"

He looked down at me and he nodded his head yes, and went to get Eli.   Later that night as we were sleeping I had one of my nightmares.  When they finally got me out of the nightmare I was so scared I ran out of the apartment with one destination in mind.......... the baseball fields.


Thanks so much for reading the first chapter!!  Please leave comments and feedback for the book..... and if anyone would like to make a cover for this book please message me.  Thanks so much love ya!! <3 <3  and hoped you liked the chapter.....


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