Chapter 1 - A romantic night in Nightopia

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Bombamba flew towards Wizelight and then said, "Lord Wizelight I know this is real sudden but aren't you having a celebration with NIGHTS?" Wizelight then said, "Of course. I already asked her when we left the realm of Nightmare. What are you doing here?" Bombamba replied, "Oh my cat babies wandered off again and they won't stop playing hide and seek with me." Owl then appeared and said, "Who who. I'll help you find them madame." Bombamba smiled and said, "Why aren't you a kind old owl." Owl and Bombamba flew off as Wizelight chuckled and sat down on the fountain. Waiting for NIGHTS to arrive. Then without a moment to spare NIGHTS landed in front of him gracefully. Wizelight blushed at the sight of the beauty before him. NIGHTS looked beautiful. She wore her hair down without a hat and she wore the most beautiful dress in her colors. Wizelight said as he stood up, "Wow NIGHTS. You look beautiful tonight." NIGHTS said, "Thank you Wizelight. You look dashing yourself. Hehehe." Wizelight blushed and said, "Thank you very much my dear." Wizelight took NIGHTS hand and the both of them flew towards alter where the ideya of hope was sighted. NIGHTS said as she looked at the view of the night dimension with glowing little balls of light, "It's so beautiful up here Wizelight." The two smiled at each other unaware Reala and Jackal were watching them for fun. Jackal said behind the bush, "Hehehe. I hope they kiss." Reala muttered, "Why are we even spying on these two? It's irritating to me." Jackal then said, "What? It's actually fun seeing those two together. Can we at least see them kiss?" Reala sighed in defeat and said, "Ugh. Fine but only when they end the kiss then we're going back." Jackal said, "I knew you understand." The two continued to watch the couple although Reala feels like he is not enjoying it. NIGHTS then said, "Say Wizelight. Isn't it great to see things are finally at peace?" Wizelight replied, "Yes my darling. It sure is." Then the magical moment came. Wizelight looked at her with his star shining eyes as NIGHTS eyes gazed back at him. He gently pulled her close as NIGHTS blushed and closes her eyes. They slowly move in for the kiss. Then their lips touched as the nightopians and Nightmarens were lovingly seeing that moment that NIGHTS and Wizelight will never forget. But danger still is lurking in the future.

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