MY MATE! Part One

Start from the beginning


Going through the opening we enter ...a painting celler? I walk in front of him and admire some of the paintings. "Welcome back sir." I whip to the right and see a man with salt and pepper hair coming from a door, holding a tray with fifteen or so water bottles on it. A petite woman with fading red hair apears next to him, carring a basket of clothes.

The woman notices at me and her eyes brighten. "Oh look Harold. We have a guest." She says.

"And it's female." He observes with hard eyes. Turning his gaze to the lady his features soften. "We'll be needing extra clothes."

She peers up at him. "We don't have any girls clothes clean right now. Expcet for mine, Candice and Nala's, and I doubt she's any of our sizes."

"It's fine Hannah. She has her own." Kazi's voice shoots tingels down my spine as he walks over to her. In his birthday suite. Heart going in to overdrive I turn my head the other way. Seeing a picture on the wall, I walk over to get a better look.

It'a a painting of a black leopard with one bright orange ear and normal orange colored spots. Sleeping in a tree, a leg hanging down. Hearing Kazi pull his clothes on, I close my eyes trying to think of something else. Anything else. But of course, I just have to get a picture of him shirtless!

"You can look now." He whispers in my ear. I jump and turn to glare at him. "Here ya go." He holds out my bag, with a big smile. My eyes narrow, I slowly grab the bag in my mouth. "You can change in there." He says pointing at a room with a curtain, still smiling.

Okay he's just weird.

I go in the room and pull the curtain blocking out all the light. I shift and start getting dressed. Wearing a red muscle-shirt and black shorts. I take my hair up in a pony tail, open the curtain and go out to find everyone dressed.

"I take it you're the white lion." I say walking up to a guy with black hair and hazel eyes. He nods. "Birayn Rayson. Next Alpha of the Silverrain Forest Pack." I offer my hand. "And my mate." Kazi says. Comprehension flashes in the other guys eyes. "Jedson Donovan. Right hand of the Crimson Wood Kingdom. But please call me Jed. Your highness." He bows.

"I'm going to ignore that." The right hand man. "So that also makes you Kazi's best-friend, right?" I ask, but it wasn't really a question. "That would be correct." He confirms. I nod while glancing around looking for my beta. "Patty." I call. When there's no answer someone taps me on the shoulder. Turning my head I see Kazi pointing at Patty leaning on a wooden pillar on the other side of the celler.

I go over and find that he's staring at a picture of a wood nymph. A wondering look on his face. "Do you know her?" I ask.

"No. But I feel like I should." He says in a depressed tone.

I stand in front of him. "Okay what's wrong with you?" I demand. He takes his gaze off the picture and regards me with a blank face. "What do you mean?" He asks. "You should never be melancholy about anything. So there's got to be something wrong with you." I affirm putting my hands on my hips, making the face that always gets him out of these moods.

He stares at me, the corner of his lip starts twiching, then his whole mouth begins trembling. I giggle. "Let it out already. Set it free!" I yell shaking him. He busts up laughing. "There's the Patty I know." I say proudly patting his back. "Now come mingle." I order hauling him over to Kazi and Jed.

"This is my Beta. Beta introduce yourself. And be nice." I command teasingly. He rolls his eyes  putting his hand out to Jed. "Pattrick Cambull. Next Beta to the Silverrain Forest Pack. Very nice, to meet you." He says mocking me.

"Jedson Donovan. Right hand of the Crimson Wood Kingdom. Nice to meet you too, I go by Jed." Jed greets with a smile.

"Come on. I need to check on Nala." Kazi says nudging Jed with his elbow. He truns and goes over to Harold and downs four water bottles.

"I wish I was one of those water bottles." Mehleynda says all dreamy.

I watch a little bit of water miss his mouth and slip down to his neck. All of a sudden his eyes flash to me. I wet my lips.

Then his eyes turn bright, moon silver.

~~~~Kazi's P.O.V.~~~~

I nudge Jed. "Come on. I need to check on Nala." I walk over to Harold and drink four bottles. Then I get a feeling of strong craving. My eyes snap to Birayn. She licks her lips, staring at me.

Lust writen all over her face.

I go hard, smelling the wonderful scent of powerful desire rolling off her in waves. I set the bottle on the tray again, and make a move to walk over to her. When unexpectedly someone throws themself onto me. I look down.

"Candice!" I yell infuriated. "Get off me!"

~~~~~End of Part One~~~~~

Sorry! :(

Okay so my internet decided it wanted to crash for a week. >:( Yeah I had no FB, WP, E-MAIL. Nothing. That's why I'm SOOOOO LATE on updating. I'm sooo SORRY!!!!! ;'(

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