'I know.......' Arnav paused before continuing, 'that is why I want you to take this back.'

It was the envelope that she had left for him just before she had left Delhi. 'I don't want that!' she exclaimed, 'I..I will manage something.'

'So ........you can pay me money for your stay in my house -------- and I can't?' he asked her pointing his finger at her, his eyes smouldering.

'That was different!' she said sharply shooting daggers with her eyes.

Arnav realized he would have to simmer down a notch. 'Think of this as payment from your PG.'

'But _____' she protested feebly.

'No buts!' he said firmly. 'This is your money after all.'

Khushi took the money from him and mentally heaved a sigh of relief. There was enough in the envelope for her to buy her provisions. Later she would manage with the advance. As she saw Arnav's retreating back, he stopped and turned around.

'Just remember that this is a temporary set up. Otherwise, no wife of mine is going to pay me single pie for taking care of her!'

Just when she thought he was being sweet about the money, he was back to the Laad Governor mode. He was incorrigible!

Khushi called the office using Arnav's phone. She cleaned the house, made lunch and was ready to go to the store to make her purchases for the next day's dabba service. When she finished shopping and reached home she saw the house was full of workers. There were some men working on something in her bedroom. She rushed in to see they were fixing an AC! She marched into the guest room to see Arnav furiously typing on his laptop.

'Who gave you permission to install ACs in this house?' she asked him indignant.

He gave her his phone. 'I spoke to your mom. She told me your dad has no problem with this. In fact ------your Buaji blessed me.'

She wished she could wipe that smirk off his face.

'Don't make such a fuss Khushi, don't use it if you don't want it.' he called after her as she marched back to her room fuming.

She dialled her mom's number. A few minutes later she put the phone down realizing Arnav was right when he said they were all praises for him. How could they not? He had cancelled their railway tickets and booked flight tickets for their trip to Coimbatore!

By evening Arnav was totally settled in. In fact the word settled was an understatement. The internet connection and the inverter were up and running along with the ACs. Why did he have to make everything his own?

Khushi decided to give him the silent treatment. Anyway she had a lot of work to do. All the orders were in and all the purchases made. Tomorrow she would have to finish the cooking and make sure everything got delivered on time. She would have to somehow get a new phone. The night dinner was no different than the previous day with Arnav sharing part of the clean up afterward. Khushi had a queer feeling inside her as she retired for the night.


The next morning as Khushi was busy in the kitchen, she heard the doorbell. When she went up to the door to open it, she found Arnav in the courtyard exercising. He was in his track pants and a vest and was doing push ups. She stood mesmerised as she watched the play of muscles on his back and biceps. There was sweat trickling down his neck down his biceps. Then, suddenly he stopped and stood up. The hair on his chest stuck to his skin due to sweat and she stood in her place frozen. He came up to her wiping the sweat off his forehead.

'Khushi!' he waved his hands in front of her, 'The door! Aren't you going to open it?'

'Yes.....yes I am going,' she said as she quickly opened the door to find a woman who looked like a maid.

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