....... What the heck?

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*Derrick (on the right) & Reynold (on the left) Eckhart*

"What is Father thinking bring in some stranger to replace Yvonne like this!" growed a pink hair boy as he stood outside the mainson with his older brother, forced to see their 'new' little sister arrive. 'I'll make her pay for stealing my sister's spot' thought Reynold already planning to make this street rat's life hell.

"Enough Reynold look Father is already back." said Derrick to his younger brother, behaving in a cold manner of a nobleman already waiting for this creature to show it's face as the carriage door open and .... a wolf pup jumped out growling at them? "Young masters get back!" order the head butler getting in between the boys and the wild animal but the pup stopped growling when the Duke order it to behave.

"Lord Eckhart wh- oh my!" one of the maids gasped rushed to her Lord's side since she was order to bring the girl to her rooms (witch she didn't like but was order too) but gasped seeing a little toddler looking at her in fear. The other servents and guards stopped as well in shock seeing a toddler, as 3 lizards appered as they jumped on the toddler and licked the little thing making her giggle like an angel.

"Father what -what is this?" Derrick was shocked pointing at the little thing, she looked nothing like Yvonne and also was clearly much younger then his sister. Duke Eckhart sighed looking down at the little one "It seems like I was fooled by my own hops but she needs a home now that woman .... her mother is dead."

"Mommy?" said the girl looking around breaking everyone hearts "But mommy's in heaven since forever? So is Daddy nanny said so." "Nanny you mean the woman you were with?" asked the Duke as the little one nodded looking around still asking "I can see Mommy and Daddy now?"

"No little one, not for a long time." sighed the Duke wondering what was happen, that dead person wasn't her mother but a nanny then who were her parents? Why was she wearing a wig every time she was out? Soon the family and their guests were in the dinner hall watching the group eat like little animals.

"Soooo, is Penelope your name?" asked Derrick trying to open up to the toddler, trying hard not to look disgusted as she and her pets ate off the same plate. "Ah ha!" the little silver hair girl nodded happily as she petted her 'doggie' fur. "So that was your nanny, what are you some nobleman's kid?" snarked the pink boy ignoring his father and brother's glares.

"My Mommy was from house of Stark and my Daddy was the heir to the iron throne!" Penelope said throwing her hands out wide, now the family was more confussed. House of Stark? Iron throne? "Little one tell me more about your pets, what kind of lizards and puppy our they?" asked the Duke trying to changed the subject, but was concerned when the girl tilted her head in confession.

"Puppy? Ghost isn't a puppy he's a dire wolf cub!" petting the white fur then looked at her other pets "Drogon, Rhaegal, & Viserion aren't lizards their dragons!" then little Drogon blew bits of fire to prove the girl's point. "Ohhh that's intresting, but little one were are you from?" the Duke was now very nervous and also more confused as the girl said "Andals, but uncle sent me and nanny hear from Winterfall, the ancient home of Starks, cause bad man was coming."

"Bad man?" scoffed Reynold still getting glared at but it stopped when the girl nodded and then said "Bad man who killed Daddy, sissy, brothy, and my Mommy." The Eckart family looked at the little girl in horror as she kept on eating like nothing happened.

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