Start from the beginning

She tried to recall what happened before and, unfortunately, the vivid memory of being struck by a bow didn't assure her that much. Sighing deeply, she plainly gave up on even trying to redeem herself. The pain in her lower left abdomen made her feel numb to even move a limb.

All she could do was lay flat on the ground, listening to her sorroundings; the soft tweeting of pabdoran creatures, the rustling of trees, and the sound of water meeting the... shore.

The shore! I'm by the sea shore! Na'vieh realized where her location was and immediately widen her eyes.

She looked around her, still laying on what seems to be a makeshift bed with the use of leather loincloths, even a blanket was draped over her. She didn't pay much attention to it and just decided to endure it, raising her body with the use of her arms.

She couldn't tell exactly where she was, but she was sure that it was a forest that is certainly near the reef.

"I'm lucky to be alive. They must've abandoned me." She whispered, motivating herself to sit up even despite the tremendous pain she felt from her stomach, which technically was a weak part of her body.

She stared at the bright blue sky and sunny shore, happy to just be alive. She waited for the right time to make a call for her Ilu.

Although, before she could do so, she felt a hand yank her away from crawling out of where she layed.

"Hey, you'll hurt yourself if you move your upper body like that." Na'vieh met the concerned eyes of a girl with the same bright amber eyes as did the boy who shot her.

This girl had very different features and she couldn't help but gulp. She had very big eyes and unkept hair, her skin was just as blue as Toruk Macto.

She couldn't help but grew silent as this girl started to touch her and, as she assumed, checked her out. The girl even lifted up the blanket which covered her legs, which she surprisingly got shocked to see that her wound was wrapped with a white cloth.

Why didn't I notice that?? She gasped internally, almost blurting out a loud 'wtf'.

"Do you need anything?" The girl looked at her once again, but Na'vieh didn't dare answer and pursed her lips, refusing to give any answer even a simple notation. Disappointed, the worried stranger sighed and turned her head away from her.

"Dad! Mom! She's awake!" Na'vieh's heart dropped and she can't hide her panic anymore. She frantically forced herself to get up from where she was a lightly pushed away the girl away from her.

Unfortunately, she had been successful in standing up (although hurting) which resulted to her wound bandage to suck in the blood that she felt being gushed out from the literal hole in her stomach. She whispered scream upon this but limped her way out of the situation. The girl screamed for her parents before starting to chase after her.

"Ughhh, this sucks!" Na'vieh exclaimed. Luckily, she had the endurance and patience of a warrior so running while having a hole in her body still kept her from the will of being caught. And she was a fast runner too.

"Vito! Vito, where are you?!" She screamed the name of her Ilu the moment she felt her feet touch the warm sand. Na'vieh didn't even have the time to wince in pain and just kept going.

𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐃 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 atwowWhere stories live. Discover now