Chapter Twenty Five

Start from the beginning

"I have Morphed. You have not."

She finished packing and threw herself on the bed. "Answer the question, Jaceannel."

I began to pace the little clean corner, arms crossed. It was hard to think with all these smells and feelings. The urgency to find her was consuming. "Because she is a half breed, and Sharves want the power she will hold. They want to extract revenge, and since there have been no half breeds for a very long time, they are starved for the chance. It has happened before, need I remind you."

Jaden shrugged, hands in pockets. His light hair was buzzed short now. It opened up his face to what little emotion he had. His aura reflected this. He was truly the embodiment of Morfilian. "But who knows if they've changed tactics? Why would they stick to the same thing?"

"They are Sharve. It is what they do." I squinted at him. "How much time have you actually had dealing with them?"

Now he shifted, eyes averting to the drawn curtains that billowed in the AC current. "Some. But I am sure not as much as you."

" In that, you are correct. Will you trust me?" I stilled.

Both pairs of eyes went to my face, silent. I could tell my eyes were luminous with energy, because their light fell on the sparse, dirty carpet. "You are First General. It is our duty to follow you regardless." Jaden's voice was smooth and quiet. I stared him down.

"That is not trust," I replied.

"I trust you to a degree," Rayne said, considering. "I have not served under you, but I have heard your stories. I will do what is necessary to get her back."

Jaden nodded. "Same." Then he shot her a glare that burned with future promise. "We will speak later. I am not done with our previous conversation."

"I don't know what you mean," she said innocently, flicking imaginary dirt from her shoulder. "What's the plan, General?"

"Maeris must still have a ship. I still debate on informing the Council of it all." Truth was usually the best policy when leading others into possible battle. "It is a tangle, and we will most likely need reinforcements."

Jaden cocked his head. "You do not want them to know of you and Skyler. Who is this Maeris?"

I stared at them. "You do not know of the lost princess?"

They looked at each other. Rayne shrugged.Her hair was in a a ponytail that ran the length of her back, and she tossed it aside as she flopped onto her belly. "We know of her, I suppose, but no real details. We did not know her name, at least. What of her?"

I sighed and gave up my pacing for leaning on the dingy wall. This was crazy, but I supposed it was the average for Morfilians that had been here awhile. Not everyone back home still talked about it, because it still enraged the king and her ex-betrothed. Who was now bonded to someone else.

"She is the princess that escaped her Ceremony and ran away to Earth. The king's only daughter, remember? She is here, Skyler's mother. Maeris Windalyn Larissi."

Jaden's face worked, his aura flickering with shock and worry. "But telling the Council would be even worse then, for both Skyler and her family. And you, if they were to find out your relationship. We know of your Mingling, but we will not speak of it if you decide to ask them for troops."

Rayne nodded.

"I need to think," I breathed, rubbing my temples. So much to think of, but I was Morfilian, a general at that. I was used to this. But Skyler's life, and her family's, hung in the balance, and if I made one wrong decision, her existence would be forfeit. It was automatic, for Lawbreakers and offspring of humans and our kind. Her family would be destroyed, but first, tortured for information, regardless of Maeris's father. Skyler's brother would end the same as her, even if he stayed human. The thought of them all gone, mangled then destroyed... It emptied me of rationale.

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