"Trust me dad its all good after that shi- I'm mean stuff with game im done with men for now."

"Yeah fuck was that all about anyways?"

"Whats there to say I  came home one night and he was fuckin my best friend I tried to kill them but he told me she was pregnant and he loved her so I just let them have it."

"You know I'm on the hunt for his ass." He said.

"Na let it go he ain't worth a jail sentence over."

"You right but now I need you to do me a favor I need a hit done for me."

"Wwwwhhhaaattt? You letting me do a hit for you?"

"Yeah I seen you putting in work and I'm proud of that so I need you to get it done ."

"Just say when."

"The name is Demarcus Frazier he stole from me and I want his head you think you can handle that for me?" He asked.

"Comsider it done."

"Do it by next week hes sneaky and I wanna make sure this is done precisely."

"You got it pops."

"And try not to make a huge mess when killing him please." He said.

"Ah man dad you suxking the fun out of it."

He chuckled and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Always looking out for your pops come on lets go back."

I nodded and started walking to the kitchen where Savanah was cooking.

"I hope yall hungry lulu i made all your favorites." She said.

"Thank you so much." I said giving her a hug.

"Your welcome sweetie we just happy to have you home." She said.

We sat down and ate talked a whole lot of shit then my dad and Savanah left for there movie.

"Okay so now that dad and Savanah is going give me the real tea sis."

"Well my good sis you didn't hear this from me but game been trying to get in contact with me trying to find you." She said.

"Isn't he always." I said rolling my eyes.

"Yeah he was a bitch for what he did." She said.

"Tell me about it what else is new?"

"Nothing much just school and homecoming." She said.

"Ohh you got a date?"

"Im working on it but you know how dad is." She said.

"I remember hes still like that with me too but what are dads for."

"True so whats going on with you and black?" She asked.

"Aint nothing going on but the rent."

"Girl bye who you trying to fool? Because it sure enough at me I see how you blush when you talk about him." She said.

"Whatever big head in his dreams."

"It proably is but speaking of do you think black would mind if I spent the weekend with you?" She asked.

"I don't think so but let me ask."


I pulled out my phone to text black.

Me: Bestieeeee!!!

Bighead: wassup lil ma? You good

Me:yeah I'm good but we have a house guest this weekend

Bighead:didn't I say no niggas at my house?

Me:🙄its my sister stupid

Bighead: oh my bad its all good

Me:don't be having those hoes ever there while my little sister there either

Bighead: best behavior ill go grab my baby sis too she always begging to come over here so that should be coo whats her name?


Bighead: aight my sis name is True you coming back tonight?

Me:why miss me already?

Bighead:👀 maybe

Me:ill be back tomorrow once she's out of school

Bighead: aight hit me up later


I exited out the conversation then continued talking to my sis until we passed out I missed this so much.

Blacks pov

After texting jazz back it was me knox and six talking i ain't going to lie I don't really want lulu talking to niggas especially around me she starting to grow on a nigga.

"Bro you so sprung on lulu ots crazy." Knox said.

"Can you blame me she fine as fuck." Six said.

"Yeah she bad but Chanel badder I love me some chocolate." Knox said.

"Just be smooth with her six." I said out of no where.

"Its all good i ain't going to do her the way her ex did." He said.

"What you mean?"

"Im going to let her tell you that but I got her don't trip."

But I am though.

"Aight so where you taking her?" Knox asked.

"I'll leave that up to her whenever she say yeah."

She won't ill make sure of it.

"Aight enough of all this shit we got trap business to handle."

They nodded and we bounced out im not sure why but im about to reck that date she about to go atleast 10 missions before this goes down she need to focus on work and a little bit of me im tripping for no reason.

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