"You know what? Let's go and ask Jaemin to cook us some fried rice with mixed stuffs or whatever he can see in the kitchen." Renjun uttered. "We're looking weird crying here while watching someone, don't you think so?"

"But you haven't seen Chenle and Jisung yet-"

Renjun put his index finger over his lips, signalling Mark to be quiet. "I can check them out next time. Let's go now."





[Present Time]

Johnny licked his lips, his feet feels heavy with every step he take.

The way his shoes dug into the soft pile of snow impersonates his heart sinking like a huge boat challenging the waves of the ocean.

"Tch." He heard a scoff coming from you. "How dare this guy."

Johnny shook his head, whispering, "This is why you get to fights with people. You keep rambling unnecessarily. You should just stay silent."

"Ah. Really. He's going to leave me like that?" You continued to rant, making Johnny's guilt overflow.

The tall guy took a deep breath and looked sideways, trying to get rid of his teary eye that makes the road blurry.

"When some guys disrespected me, you are ready to jump at them. But now that these annoying people are trying to get on your nerves, you gave them second chance. So irritating." You uttered.

Those sentences made an abrupt stop in Johnny's walking pattern.

He could feel his heart thumping loudly, his heavy breath from the cold weather getting even heavier trying to process what you said.

He heard you take a turn back from the way your shoe tapping the empty road soundly, in the opposite direction.

He took this opportunity to face your back again.

"Wow. Really. We literally didn't meet for years and that's the first thing he did. Being cold and turning your back from me." Your tiny voice sharply groaned, kicking a pile of snow on your way.

Johnny furrowed his brows, clenching his fist tightly. "I.. How.."

This time, it was you who stopped sharply on your steps. It seemed like you were debating whether you should look or not.

But then you realized it was pointless.

You just whipped your hair and continued on your way, steps of being annoyed hanging on your frame.

Johnny wouldn't want to waste such a precious time. He quickened his pace, trembling with his whole body that even reaching your shoulders out felt so far away.


"Oh, my name." You scoffed, choosing not to turn around due to the mixed up feelings that builds up in your heart tremendously. "Surprised Johnny Suh still remem--"

Hearing his name come out involuntarily from your mouth was enough to push him in his limit, pulling you into a big, cozy, and warm, back hug.

The two of you sat silent, his whole body seemingly shaking out of nervousness that you thought you were being hugged by a vibrating soft bear.

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