2. champagne n' vodka

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January 2005

The rain splatters against the windows, the view over the garden and following fields blurred behind the wall of water that pours down from the clouded, grey sky.

It's an awful day outside but cozy and warm inside, Louis snuggled up under a blanket, warm cup of tea in his hands while he watches his sisters Daisy and Phoebe scream at each other because of a card game. Louis would never get so emotional over a game, because with his twelve years of living, he is incredibly wise and too old for stuff like that. Lottie leans against him, phone in hand, scrolling through instagram and his mother Jay is in the kitchen making waffles for all of them on this rainy day, when suddenly, the bell rings.

Who on earth is outside in this weather and above all, near their house? It's in the middle of nowhere and the next traffic light is about a twenty minutes walk away. If somebody rings their doorbell, they intended on coming over to the Tomlinson household, but they're not expecting guests today.

Louis is wearing spider-man sweatpants and a batman tee (yes he's a rebel mixing up DC and MCU).

"Louis, can you open the door please, my hands are full of dough." Jay shouts from the kitchen and even though Louis has no idea how her hands could be full of waffle dough, he puts his cuppa down on the table, sighing and standing up.

He walks over to the hallway and opens the door, causing a boy to almost fall in. Seems like he has been pressing his ear against the door or something like that and didn't expect the door to actually open after he rang the bell.

But now, he stumbles into Louis' body, almost making him fall backwards.

"Oops." He says sheepishly after gaining his balance again and brushes his wet hair out of his forehead.

He's cute, is the only thing going on in Louis' mind.

Louis' always felt like he might like boys more than girls, ever after he was not overly interested in Emma Stone but more in Andrew Garfield while watching Spider-Man over and over again.

But this boy who's dropping rainwater onto the carpet in his hallway is really cute. He has eyes that seem too big for his face and so incredibly green, contrasting with the pale, milky color of his skin and his dark hair, probably curls, that currently stick to his neck and forehead in a wet mess.

"Hi." Louis says after remembering that he has to talk.

The boy chuckles at their silence and then Jay appears behind Louis, seeing the boy and immediately rushing forward to close the door behind him and lead him further into their house. "What on earth are you doing outside in this weather? All on your own?"
She fusses over him, putting a hand to his cheek in order to check his temperature and all that.

"I kinda lost my keys." The boy says in a very slow voice.

"Where do you live, dear?" Jay asks next and Lottie comes into the hallway slowly, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders and probably curious because of all the noises.

"Just two roads..." The boy starts and vaguely lifts his arm to point in the general direction where the road somewhere ends up in a small village.
You could say it's two roads away, but one of them is so long and field-y that it's actually a thirty minute walk to where Harry's parents lived at the time. Back then, Harry lived in the first house of the village after the road that led to nothing. So you could say he was the "boy next door", just that there were cows and horses and a lake between them

"And what's your name?" Jay asks, snatching the blanket from Lottie and wrapping it around Harry's shoulders to get him warm again, also making him look adorable. Nice side effect.

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