Chapter Two *Edited*

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Once inside the apartment I lock the door behind me and I quietly walk back to my room as to not disturb Lucy and her 'study partner' aka her 'fuck buddy' although they seemed to have finished up since the apartment has gone quiet. I guess staying out late worked out in my favor, maybe I can actually fall asleep in peace tonight.

I set my gift from Peter on the nightstand next to my bed, and set my phone down next to it. I turned on the bedside lamp and yanked my hoodie off over my head, quickly stripping off the rest off my clothes I changed into a some shorts and a loose tank top. I was dead tired and I was ready to sleep. I quickly did my nightly routine in the bathroom before returning to my room and flopping down on my mattress with a huge sigh, knowing I have to work early tomorrow morning. I rolled over onto my side and faced the window, wondering when Peter will be there, or if he already is and I just don't know. But a part of me believes he may already be here. I reached over and turned my table lamp off, and with one more sigh I picked my phone up and set a few extra alarms for tomorrow. Just to be sure not to over sleep this time.

I slept like the dead, my alarms did go off at least though. I rollover, pushing myself up into a sitting position. My bones cracked and my body ached. I really just want to go back to sleep. I stretched my arms over my head and cracked my back.

"Ohh that was nice." I muttered. I glanced at the window. Open. Peter was here last night. I wonder how long he stayed and when he left.

I finally got up out of bed and grabbed my work clothes before heading out to the bathroom. I heard noise from Lucy's room, she probably had just woken up as well. I quickly showered and brushed my teeth before heading into the kitchen to grab my work keys.

"Morning!" Lucy cheerily exclaimed, sipping her coffee from the kitchen table.

"Morning Lulu." I said and smiled. I grabbed my keys and gave her a quick wave. "Sorry I can't stay, gotta head to work." I made my way towards the front door.

"So, no coffee then?" She asked with a frown.

"Sorry, but thanks though!" I answer before taking my leave, shutting the door behind me, but not locking it. I made my way down the apartment stairs and out the building.

I already know what rush this morning will hold with the tour bus so I mentally prepared myself during my walk to work. Right on time I stepped through the front doors of the diner and headed towards the kitchen. I grabbed my apron off the coat hanger along the far end of the wall and tied it on, then walked over to the time clock to punched in.

I heard the sound of pans clashing around as TK was just about done with prep work for opening. "Hey Y/n" They say as they walked past me, carrying a bowl of pancake mix and heading towards the refrigerator. "The boss just flipped the sign on, perfect time." They must have meant the open sign.

"Great. I'm so excited." I said sarcastically. And picked up a notepad and pen just as I heard the front door bell chime. TK chuckled at my fake enthusiasm.

"Go getem tiger!" They joked back with a smirk.

It was hell. The game really didn't lie about it. There were customers that threatened to refuse to pay, some annoying ones that are never happy no matter what, and the pissy ones that demand a manager and want you fired because you didn't kiss their asses. Fuckers. Eventually, the crowd starts dying down, and I started to watch the door for Peter.

I stayed out in the dining area cleaning tables and sweeping up. Finally I heard the bell chime and my head snapped up. My eyes locked with Peter's and I smiled brightly. "Hey Cutie! I'm glad you're here, let me put this away and I'll be right out." I quickly started to untie my apron and started walking back towards the kitchen.

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